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RE: The Diary Game: Have you ever work on Easter Sunday? Here is my experience: by ngwerast: 17/04/2022

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

it's a feasting day.

This section encouraged me to continue reading your pulbication, me I love food oooh.

But ooooh, one eye small white yam for all that vegetables? Hope dishing my own will not look like that lol 😂

If I may asked, I think every week you have an off day. So why have a problem with Sunday when you can catch up with your off day.

what pay my bills. So no complaints!

Love the way you ended it all.
Nice reading from you.

 2 years ago 

🤣 it's the " me I love food oohh " for me.

As for the yam and njama njama, I only put one yam because it was too early to eat heavy meal.🤗 If I had put more than one, I couldn't have finished it eventhough I love njama njama .
Yes, you are right. I have one day off within the week , I always wish to switch the off days with Sunday, but it's never possible. I truely hate Sundays work.🙈

However , as the saying goes "half bread is better than Chin Chin". Again, it's better to have the job than nothing, if not bills will kill me in this Douala.
Thanks you so much @fombae for stopping by. Your comment got me laughing very hard this early morning.🤣

 2 years ago 

Well I know Douala to be an expensive town, and to have an average comfortable life. You will need to be able to afford the bills, which you are smoothly doing.

I love working on Sunday, my reasons. It the most quite day of the week with less traffic, less noise, etc. Movement on Sunday are usually slow making work less hactic as compared to normal weekly working days.

I will bet you, on a normal weekly working day. You will not have the time to get water to drink 😂.

But ooooh, you didn't mentioned my own njama njama.

 2 years ago 

You see naa @fombae, the fact that it's quiet is the more reason I hate it. In Akwa Douala, working on Sundays is very dangerous because you can get rubb at anytime by nanga boys. Sunday is like their Monday work. They once ceased my bag with 5000f
plus my transport inside and they was no one to help me. I trekked a great distance so I could pay a bike with 100f I had in my pocked 😂.
Working on Sundays exclude from attending church service. However, if it has to do with working at home, or work with steemit platform, I good with it yaa.
As for your own njama njama, 🤣 I will keep in the deep fritzer, so you can get at anytime you wish. 💃

 2 years ago 

Okay, now security is what i hold with high esteem. Sóme of this guy just sit and wait for others to work and let them collect, some day the law will catch up on them.

Sorry about the incident that day, happy you got home safe.

I now see you, you eat your njama njama fresh, then put my own in he freezer so that it wil lose it taste eh.

Your punishment will be that, as soon as you take out the njama njama from the freezer for heating me. I will reject it so you have to prepare fresh one for me lol

 2 years ago 

🤣🤣🤣🤣@fombae! Why not just ask me to eat the one from the fridge and cook you fresh njama njama when you are ready to eat naa. I beg withdraw that punishment, I cannot be cooking twice yaa.🤗

 2 years ago 

Well i take some time to think.
Since women love to think over things, me let me think over it to see if the punishment need to be withdraw lol

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