Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 8 (Week 1) || Love is Magical When it is Secure

in Steem Cameroonlast year


I hope all of you will be fine and doing well with the great blessing of Allah Almighty. My Name is Ali Hassan and today I'm going to take part in this contest which is held by Steemit Engagement Challenge in Steem Cameroon. This is really a interesting contest and I was excited for it. I hope you will enjoy my entry.

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Love is the thing which can change a person. The change is always postive and the person feel fresh and other can also feel his freshness and glow in his eyes. Love is a special feeling for everyone and Everyone in this world come to a stage when he fallen in love with someone end than his time still.

Age never matter in love but we have seen and hear that most of the people fall in love in young age because in that age Both Male and Female are energetic in feelings and emotions and have time to spend with each other.


Love is the thing which can only be feel, It is not sure that someone continue love someone till end, in many cases we have seen that a partner leave other due to selfishness or other reasons and sometimes family became hurdle in love and they have to separate.


How True is the assertion that “Love is Magical”?

Yes, the statement is true that love is magical. Love is the thing that give you hope to live. If a person who deprived from his life if he fallen in someone's love than this love can give him hope to live again. Love is magic and it heals the problems of life.

I have been great fan of Bollywood Movies and Bollywood movies are full of scenes where someone fallen in someone's love. Sometimes the opposite person is not ready to accept other love and sometimes parents to ready for them. But love is the thing which unite the both genders and magical for them.


As, I'm a student and I have to focus on my studies that's why I keep my self a part from such things because i believe that if you wana to achieve something you have to focus on it But I also believe in a thing and that is you can't stop yourself from love. You can't force yourself to love someone and you can stop yourself from loving someone.

But According to my sense and what i seen yet tell me that love is really like a magic and it change life of the person who fell in it.


Do you feel secure when you are in love?

The Answer of this Question is also Yes, I think the person who is fallen in love feel secure. I think if someone's love is secure than he feel himself secure.

Love feel you secure and you always worried about the security of your partner not about yourself, you think about your loved one not about yourself, this is another type of feeling which can only understand by a person who is in love.


So, The person who is in love can't feel insecurity due to his partner or love. Although he will feel much secure with his love one because it is the first aim of every lover to send time with thier love ones.


Give three scenarios where this statement is true “Love is Magical when it is secured”

So, This is really a interesting question and I think Love is magical when it is secured is a reality and I will try to figure out it with three scenarios.

When Someone's love is secure than he can enjoy it, If someone's love is not secured means his/her love is in relationship with other. One can enjoy the magic of love when it is secured. If someone's love is secured and if he went into trouble his love somehow prevent him from that trouble or danger.

When someone love you and you also love that person than your love is secure as well as magical. Than you can feel the magical things happening around you because your every moment with your partner will be a source of joy and comfort for you.

Love is also like a support and courage and when your love raise your spirit and support you, than you can achieve anything and support from love one is mandatory and that support from your love one is only possible if your love is secure.


What are the impacts of this statement on you, your friends, your family, and society?

Love is Magical when it is secured is a true statement for me even I haven't fallen in love yet. If i talk about my friends, family and society than i can say that the couples or the persons who have relationship and if they consider thier love is secured they are living a magical and happy life.


Human can beat anything but can't see his love away from him. Love is a natural feeling which has magical effect on the body and glow in eyes. You can easily predict the person by looking and talking with him whether he love someone or not.

I want to invite @preye2, @chant @drhira @malikusman1 to take part in this contest.


Thanks for Reading
 last year 

Estoy de acuerdo contigo, el amor hace que una persona cambié y para el amor no existe edad, todo lo puede y lo llena de felicidad.
Éxito amigo.

 last year 

Hello my friend @cryptobitcoins! 👋🏼

I hope you are doing well and feeling great gorgeous . Dear your post about love being magical when it is secure and found it quite valuing . Your post is well-written and good insightful. I particularly enjoyed your thoughts on how love can change a person positively and how it can recover the problems of life. 💕

Your three scenarios on how love is to become magical when it is secure were well-explained and convincing dear . Love is indeed a powerful force that can make a significant impact on one's individual life.

Best regards ,

 last year 

Hey Thank you man for an excellent comment. I appreciate your visit 😊 Good luck dear


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