The Diary Game: Unending Season 03. 23/06/2021 I almost lost my mind.. A worrifilled day.

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago (edited)

Dear diary
The day started well although the weather was not the best.
I stepped out of the bed and felt grace pour on me like shower. I smiled and felt every moment. Then I went to doing my chores after which I took my bath and headed to work. When I got to work I cleaned up the pressing and went to see my friend who was not in very good health. I bought some pain relieving meds for him. On reaching, he was laying on the couch. Week. So I melted them drugs and gave him. Then I warmed food for him to eat. He took his bath later and we went up to the pressing. There was not much work for me to do so we just sat around. Then I took a pen and a paper and started scribbling a poem. For a presentation on Sunday. The Black Swagger Poetry slam (BSPS)

At the time I had a message from an unknown number telling me to pick up my call. It was my younger brother. He had been kidnapped by armed men. So I picked up the call. They told me to hand in 100,000FCFA as ransom (about 50SBD now) for my brother. I told them that I had no money and my father's sick. They asked me to look for it then they dropped.
I called my father and told him everything. He asked for their contact and I sent it to him. The guys called again and I played them the more trying to but more time while figuring out what to do They asked me to give anything I had. At that time I knew I had an upper hand so I told them I still had to borrow the money...

Long story short... My brother later went home after a series of calls and threats and all. When I got home, I hugged him tight. This is the second time he's been attacked by gunmen. As young as he is. I can only imagine the trauma. But he seemed okay. Given the fact that the men were not very dengarous(From his story). They only really needed money. And we gave them some. Not much though (2000FCFA) that's about 1SBD at the moment. It was such a relieve to have him home. I remembered an incident that occurred last year where students were shot in the head at school. I knew anything could have happened. Thank God he was safe.
I was not very hungry so I did not eat. I only went into my room and zoomed off in sleep.
Thank you for reading

 3 years ago 

Thank God for the life of your brother.
It's really a dangerous world we live in.
He should just stay safe

 3 years ago 

We cannot really stay safe as we wish. Na to pray actually and hope for the best

 3 years ago 

This world is very dangerous and unpredictable. Thank God your bro is safe. You too take care

The world isn’t a place to smile but a scaring place but with God we will scale through.

Wow! That was intense. Thank God he is safe

Thank God for your brother's safety

Thank to God Almighty that your brother is safe.

I joined you in thanking Jehovah God for your Brother's safe return from the hands of those kidnappers without harm. This our time is a vary dangerous time. According to the Bible, in 2 Timothy 3:1. It says " In the last days, critical time hard to deal with will be here". So this problem will continue to be hard till God's Kingdom brings solution to it.
Mr. Joseph Agwu Ogbajie,

 3 years ago 

I think the spirit of ya Grandpa couldn't let anything harm him. Thank God he got home safe. The issue with respect to kidnappings for ransome is too much.
I missed BSPS!
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 3 years ago 

Hahaha. You talk like you know. We are still mourning granny. He couldn't let anything happen to his favorite grandson.
Thank you so much sir. I appreciate

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