THE DIARY GAME UNENDING SEASON 03. 3/06/2021. Almost a high blood day.

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

The things of the spirit are foolishness unto the carnally minded I love this part if scripture. It keeps be going. Especially when I want to talk about Jesus to someone and they start justifying themselves for not wanting to believe.
Dear Diary.
It was a cold night and I slept. Yes I did. I woke up at 5:55am and sent a contact to my uncle. He'd been asking for it for sometime but I kept on forgetting. After that I talked to Jesus and vanished to the bathroom to take my bath. I then went to church for morning mass. My church commission (youth Apostolate) exco had a meeting and I am the secretary. So after mass we had a meeting with the youth ministry. (Youth wing of the church)They laid their complains and we decided to look into the issue. After the meeting, I came back home, since I did not warm the food, it was still cold. My brother had just left bed. My stuff that i bought on my way from church to come and have breakfast, out of slight irritation I just kept it on the table and left for work.
It was a bright and sunny day. I had not much to do. So I cleaned up the pressing and started off with laundry. One of my machines have a big problem. It does not retain water when it is performing the washing exercise. This is a big problem cuz it hinders alot of work. These electronics can cause you to cry at one point. I called for the technician. if he succeeds in fixing it, I will have to sell it. Then the other one works fine but the problem of low voltage makes work slow sometimes. I am hoping to get a stabiliser soon by God's grace.
So when I had sorted the dresses I placed them in the laundry and gave the washing order. It took about 40 minutes just when it was about to be squeezed, lights went off .🤦🤦. But it came back shortly so I hurriedly did the first set and placed in another. This time I ordered to wash for a shorter period of time. It did the same cycle and I went down to sun them. On my way up, the lights had gone again. I just thanked God for the gift of wisdom..
I was hungry already. So I ordered for food. A lady just beside me cooks food and sells. It's not the best for me. The nature of my stomach and her hygienic state. But I had to manage. After eating, I went outside to see how places were. Then I saw this moment I could not help but capture.

A father and his son

He is washing his car and the kid is inside. Before washing the car the child was following him about and hindering his work. So he opened the car and the baby entered with all excitement. What a sweet way of getting rid of disturbance.
I closed and decided to pass by the market and so I did. I bought a few fruits and vegetables. It was very busy. Everyone was trying to go home before places become completely dark. Rush hour.

Food market
When I arrived home, my parents were at our little poultry taking care of the day olds. So I passed by too.

The day old chicks.
They looked very healthy and beautiful. I went to the house and changed. After a while, they returned and we had dinner. Shortly after that we started discussing then lights went off. The chicks started making nose. (As usual when there is no light. ) My brother went to check on them only to see fire in their house. We poured water on the fire till it went off. Then we transferred them to a warmer place. After that, we disconnected every electricity connection in their house. Then we made fire for them to be warm. Came back home and slept in darkness.
Thank you for reading.

 3 years ago 

Beautiful write up dear. Some people justify their unbelief because they feel knowing Christ hinders their sinful ways. Just keep on.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

I love seeing young people who are so passionate about the things of God. The low voltage has been a very big program for me too,I just hope the problem is resolve soon.

 3 years ago 

Christ is the answer for the world today. We cannot dispute that fact.

I particularly love that Scripture as well

 3 years ago 

Sometimes we really eat what we are not prepared for..
Sorry though..
And quite a challenging day

 3 years ago 

Hahahah kids at times can be veru sweet and the next minute on your nerves.

My mum used to keep chicks as well and we encountered the same incident with fire. But thank God when we all got the the seen the chicks had all gathered in one corner of the room. Thank God your chicks are all safe and sound

 3 years ago 

That part of scripture is bae. Hahaha.
Your day I deed started on a tough foot but thank God Jesus went infront of you. He says I will go before you and give you the land.
Really machines can't be counted on because despite the appellation of machines, they're programmed by men. Sorry for all the stress. Eneo really has to change job for a club DJ they just okay around with lights like it was their house.

I thank God that the chicks are fine despite the fire outbreak. Thanks for sharing your day with us. That man who locked the child in the car is a wise man😂😂😂

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