Fundraising for @metugejacy's mum. Mama is gold.

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

It's hard. Yes it's hard. You cannot fully explain the feeling, the fear, the prayers, the expectations, the frustrations, the imaginations.

I know exactly how you fell sister. I have been where you are now. One time it was my mother. At the time I was preparing for GCE ordinary level. I did not want to sleep because I was afraid I would hear some kind of news which I didn't want to hear. Sometimes I would wakeup late at night and go to check on her just to make sure that she was still breathing.
But then I tried keeping strong. We went over that.

The next time it was dad. This time around he was paralysed. Damn! I knew I had lost my Pater. I did not want to go to school. I thought leaving his side meant I was not caring enough for him. I sat one time in school and I did not eat for a whole day and I did not even know that I had not eaten. I could not even imagine life without him. We still went through it.

The next time was me. I got sick and the doctors saw nothing medically wrong with me but I was growing pale everyday. gently dieing. I would not go into details here. Jacy I knew I was going to die. I dnt know how I survived until now I'm here. Life is a miracle.

The reason I am sharing my story with you is because I want you to be strong, for mama. I know you are a strong woman. I want you to stand the gap for her. I know you believe in God. The Bible says "the fervent prayer of the righteous yielded tremendous changes". Fervent prayers will help you...and mama. If you have never sincerely asked something from God. Now is the time. If you have never spent sleepless nights praying to God, now is the times. If you have never held God by his words and promises, now is the time. if you have never slept on your Bible while studying, now is the time.
The Bible says the expectations of the righteous will not be left unmet.

I hope what ever fundraising we make will be able to do something for mama. But I assure you prayers will go a long way.
I will always give what I have. And I have you and mama in my prayers.

@majerius @metugejacy @saxopedia @drumblac @rexiano

 3 years ago 

You said it right daughter of zion! Our expectations can never be cut off and affliction shall not rise up a second time. It is indeed a time to really hold God by his words.
Jacob said, I will not let you go until you bless me I'm a living testimony to that. My dedication to Christ is as a result of a situation similar to this. I think I'll write a post on it soon.

Thanks for such encouraging words from your heart to a needy sister. What I desire the most is the healing anointing to help people in such situations. My heart bleeds each time I see someone suffering from affliction.😭

 3 years ago 

It is a sick world mighty man. We need Christ. The earlier we come to the realisation that Jesus Is the answer for the world today. The better for us all.

They way you communicate with your God is the way miraculous things come your way. Being with the sick ones Is hard because you can't have a rest of mind I can remember when my grandpa was still alive firstly he started by being paralyzed and having a sleepless nights and I was with him when ever him and being scared to lose him he makes all kind of sign which are scary we don't have a rest of till he passed away 😔. The world is not a living place is just matter of time everything will vanish on it's time.

Thank you for sharing your memories with us.

Let the Miraculous locate the sick Mama in Jesus name. I pray for divine intervention right now. Be strong and bold as never before. God has done it.

Get well soon mama, yes prayers will go a long way and God still answers prayers. I pray God heal mama for us and let her enjoy the fruits of her labour's. Amen

 3 years ago 

Amen. Thank you for the kind words to her.

 3 years ago 

Quite a story you have there @craxywritter. It's so touching and I believe Jacy connects with that. It is very important to care and give hope for our love ones in their time of need and despair. We need to give our shoulders for them to lean into and find the strength to move again.

Like you rightly said God answers to every child who honestly call on him so I pray that Jacy's mother gets soon. He who puts his trust in the Lord shall not be found wanting
#twopercent #cameroon

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