My Role model contest by andra-kay

in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Every young lady has someone she absolutely adores..
Sometimes the admiration stems up from the clothes of this person,accent,charisma,wealth,family,status,career,spirituality,aura and plenty plenty of things...
Am myself and there is someone i completely adore..
She's the strongest person i've ever known...


my role model is no other person but my very own mother..she's not my role model because she's my mom but because it is who she is..
She is everything every young woman would ever imagine to be..

As we all know,my steem name is andra-kay but my real name is Sandra Kipat and am the first daughter of parents..i completely love music,music is life to me,am completely in a different place when i listen to music but thats not the issue here,we'll talk about it some other time.i love lots of crazy things that i cannot even start to enumerate here but trust me you won't wanna know all and most definetely won't like all as well , am sure you can already decipher why my mom stands out as my role model...

My mom is between her forties now,she brought me into this world about 23years ago and they way she's raising me is completely ethreal.

Firstly. * she's Counsellor*,her ability to understand people and not just me can keep you wondering as how on earth she can do that.Apart from the fact that she is professionally trained counsellor,she's just a natural.
I've seen her navigate her way through the toughest of situations,where no other person in the room could bring a solution or get things in control,sje single handedly brought everything in order...
I remember an instance where two brothers were at each other's throats with of each of them being not just angry but extremely angry and tbd older one left the meeting and headed out..Now notice that the one who left is no ordinary man,not just older than my mom but like a giant as compared to her,extremely wealghy and honourable,inspite of the all these,my momma mustered the courage to rise and stip him from his way and Yahweh through her brought peace to that family

she's a special mother

Normally alot of people resolute to using force or violence to get their kids in order but my mom is no way like that.
I lost my dad when i was 10 years old,Mummy was still very young and beautiful and even up to today,she's completely mersmerizing...
She's been through lots of traumatic experiences,not just a widow but an orphan and people of such status tend to be extremely hard but she's so sweet,strict yes ,i mean we shudder at the thought of what she can do when pushed to the wall but then again she's greatly mastered the art of being an angel..
Am one of those kids who has hardly been beaten by parents and yet i turned out okay...sje wouldn't lay a hand on except absolutely necessary..
She understands the mood of children,she knows when i do not want to be spoken to,told you you won't like everything about me right😁 but yet she loves me still
She knows when i don't want any food but then she dtill makes sure i eat...
We talk sometimes like age mates...
She's so humble and polite..
Some days ago when she needed me to go do somethings she spoke to me so softly knowing that if she scolded i'll still go

she is hardworking

She single handedly takes care of six children with heavy amount of school fees,if she wasn't as hardworking as she is then i'd surely be telling another story..

she is purpose Driven and principled

Oh my oh my!,you dare not cross her if you dare she'll rain down fire on you,
She is purpose Driven takes care of other ofphans and widows,vulnerables,disables,displaced persons as much as she can through her organisation

she's a great leader
She is a deaconess at our local church,faithful and loyal to her God and pastors,she makessure the house of God is fit for use..
She serves and promotes the kingdom of Yahweh..
I could go on and on about her,she's just perfect

 3 years ago 

Woaw what an amazing mom you have,she is so kindhearted, compassionate and loving. I wish we could have more good people like her in our communities

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 3 years ago 

Thanks for taking part in this contest

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