in Steem Cameroon3 years ago

Greetings to all the lovely steemit members,
I'm honored to take part in #mybestday contest. This particular day was the 22nd of may 2021. A very Big thanks to @steem-cameroon & @saxopedia for organizing this contest and rewarding authors.
I woke this particular day at 6:30, jump down from my bed said my morning prayings, after that I began my morning workouts we all know a healthy body is wealth so it's always Important to keep my body in check. The next thing I did was washing my face and brushing my face, then I picked up my phone to update myself and replied any unanswered messages.
Around 7:30 am I went out to harvest some potato vines to feed my rabbits with.



I had my breakfast around 8:30 am
Which was French fries, fried eggs and flushed it down with fever grass tea.


Then later on, I got a call to came to check on some piglets I was so excited because I knew I was about to work money, I went and met the farmer he requested I administer vitamins and dewormed the piglets with ivermectin and took my money. This was really the icing of my day becauseI woke up with absolutely zero Francs in my wallet and out of nothing I had money to ease my day.
I later left the house to go visit my elder cousin, I really missed her and my little nephew I had to go check on them I left at around 1. Pm I had a great time and her place we spoke about many thinks and caught up on loss times.
I left her place on my way home I went for launch at my favorite joint which is lovely best restaurant. I had a nice dish of Fufu and khati khaki with two huge slices of chicken 🍗 thinking I started the day with nothing in my wallet but now eating like a prince of Banso.



After I eat I check my livescore app it was a super Saturday and was the last gameday of the Bundesliga and la liga, I had to try my luck I placed a bet on some favorite matches ( Barca, Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Borussia Dortmund, Bayern Munich, Frankfurt and added Samdoria) I took all for straight wins and placed 1000frs it was a 14odd bet. Long story short and I don't want to get to deep on the rollercoaster emotion on the tension of follow up those matches till full time, I was happy at the end of the to have won 14000frs.
All this goes to solidify why this was my best day, start a day with nothing just waking up with positive and the day turned out just great all thank to God

Thanks to all who took time to read this write up🙏

 3 years ago 

Waow indeed the 22nd was your bestday ..lots of appetizx meal😋😂

 3 years ago 

Lol indeed bro

 3 years ago 

Wow it was really a great day,winning money and eating good food and meeting love ones.i thank God for you man

My name is Ola. I want to invite you to a contest You can also join the telegram channel

This post has been rewarded by @saxopedia from @steemcurator04 Account with support from the Steem Community Curation Project."

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