No Zipline on Sugarloaf Mountain! Pão de Açúcar Sem Tirolesa

in Brasillast year


Sugarloagf mountain in Rio de Janeiro, one of the most famous landmarks in the world, is currently facing a serious dilemma. Grupo Iter, the licensed company running the site, tries to expand its activities in areas marked as a natural monument and global heritage.
This is not an isolated case. It is an orchestrated move led by very healthy financial groups, healthy families, local representatives linked to these groups and members of the public administration.


As a consequence, many groups of activists fought back with all means, in courts, on social media, mainstream news around the world, political sphere and local associations.
At the moment of writing, Brazilian Federal court in Rio de Janeiro decided to suspend the works by 2x1 votes, after many doubts regarding the licensing process were exposed.
The main groups working on the court case are Grupo de Ação Ecológica (GAE), Pão de Açúcar Sem Tirolesa (PDAST), while many others support on social media. I can highlight Fórum da Cidadania, Associação de Moradores da Urca, SOS Pão de Açúcar and Rio de Janeiro Sem Barulho.


It is a very important case, because the zipline became a symbol of the voracious capitalism in Rio de Janeiro. Meanwhile many other groups push forward to expand commercial activities in every public area, turning public parks in "gastrononomic hubs" that do not comply with laws of silence. The noise is very loud everywhere in the city and the mayor does not put limits, openly showing his political ties with bars and restaurants associations, beer industry and tourism industry. It is a move to turn Rio into a party city where the locals live as hostages of noisy bars, having no one to complain with. It's is a very sad situation here, while some people enforce the narrative saying Tourism is good for the city, definitely not the kind of predatory tourism.


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