in Steem Venezuela2 months ago


I stared immensely at my ceiling pondering over the events that have occurred in recent years, fixing my gaze towards the ceiling. I wished answers could be gotten to soothe my troubled heart.

Slowly turning my head towards the direction of the sun which radiates to my room, a sigh had its way of escaping. I crawled out of my bed to my reading space in the corner of my room. Books and journals were scattered on the table. I cleared a part of it and picked up my pen and material to write…

A change beyond words.
My country, Nigeria.
Oh Nigeria!
“We hail thee”

I paused, to laugh aloud;

“ We hail thee”

The voice of the truth should be heard but who wants to stand up to the truth? You can definitely be killed for saying the truth. But the truth still remains because, you can only imprison my body but you cannot capture my soul.

Nigeria, we need a change beyond words. We clapped and celebrated the VIPS. They tested the most dreaded and harmful substance “ POWER”.

“Seize him”

The VIPS are obeyed and their plan executed.Their power has become a threat to the country and its citizens. The VIPS sit on a throne of wealth, and yet, the masses are struggling for their health. The cost of living is now hard for the living. Money which is being saved now saves us. Yet, “ we hail thee”.


Masses are struggling in pain, “ we hail thee”. Prices of things are now rising everyday like dollars, “ we hail thee”. We no longer need to study economics because the economy of the country alone has turned everyone into an economist. Sharing now becomes a sacred topic because is it in this economy that you will buy a cup of beans for five hundred naira and share it with your neighbors?

“Our flag shall be a symbol where
Truth and justice reigns”.

I paused, to laugh aloud again but this time, I sobbed silently;

“Truth and justice reigns? I doubt it. Is the judiciary independent? Is the judiciary free from the VIPs? Can their yes be yes and their no be a no? Yet, they make laws to be obeyed by a common man. No one is above the law, they said, but there is immunity for those in power.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I exclaimed.

Punishment meant to be meted out to them can wait because of the immunity. But, can this happen to a common man? Laws are made for a country to be in order and to avoid chaos. But,even with the laws, haven't you seen corruption, haven't you seen riot, suffering and injustice.

Ohhh my country, we need a change beyond words. No wonder, Hebrews 7: 19 says; “ The law made nothing perfect, but the bringing of a better hope did by which we draw nigh unto God”.

Remember, Nigerians

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. A better hope was brought in and Nigeria was made great in the time of president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. Because, even when he tested power, he abided by the law above. He recognized a leader greater than him. He feared the Lord and all other things were added unto him, which made his tenure great. Now, the heart of men who call themselves leaders has been turned away from the leadership of God. How do you expect a better place when you do not align with the will of the one who created you?

We need a change beyond words. Because, the VIPs are blind in leadership. They are after their wellbeing not that of the nation. They have turned deaf to our cries. Our pleas are a sweet melody which soothes their soul. Just like in the testament of old, their heart is hardened as that of Pharaoh. A change beyond words is what we need.

Niyi Osundare in his poem, “The Leader and the Led” states the quality of leadership. I quote;

“ Our need calls for a hybrid of habit
A little bit of a Lion, a little bit of a lamb
Tough like a tiger, compassionate like a doe.
Transparent as a river, mysterious as a lake.
A leader who knows how to follow followers mindful of their right to lead.”

Virtues of braveness, gentleness, toughness,compassion, love, transparency, being unpredictable, patience and humility if possessed by a leader, will be able to lead its citizens and nation. A leader who feels the pain of its citizens will be able to bring measures in which its citizens can adapt to.

Not only is the VIPs the cause of our problem but its masses too. The sellers take pleasure in unnecessary increments of the price of items. Citizens rob rather than look for jobs. Citizens should not only depend on collar jobs, but be independent. The nation should go back to its creator to seek forgiveness and pray for intercession in the land.

Until then, when the nation can go back to God and pray for the right leaders to be elected, people who will seek God first in their leadership and not the VAGABOND IN POWERS (VIPS). There, a change beyond words will occur.


The Vagabond In Powers has been blinded in their quest for power. I will conclude by quoting from Lord Acton;
“Power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely”

I dropped my pen and crawled back to my bed to have a nap. That great wish for my country is for a change beyond words.

I would love to invite my friends @davidmarkgeorge, @johnmitchel and @onlyonefave to take part


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