My experience with The Diary Game / Dear diary, how you have filled my life! by @patjewell

in Steem Venezuela2 years ago

Hi there!

The last time I wrote to you we were celebrating my birthday. no! Although it feels like a long time since I have written to you it is not yet time for my birthday.

Today is about a different birthday. On 22 May it is your mother’s, The Diary Game’s, second birth day. I know, you are one of her youngest children but I can assure you that we have a special place in her heart just like she has for all her other children.

Before we get into the birthday wishes I first want to tell you how I love filling your pages.

Friday, 18 February 2022 – The first time I’ve made an entry in this open book. I must be honest with you, I was not very comfortable with it. I don’t like sharing my personal stuff on social media. Oh yah, I like writing articles but they are about fashion, photography, business and so many other topics. To share in the open what I have done… Eish! This was no easy task.

Between me and you, I was a bit scared of ma @Ngoenyi. She told us that that she WANTS our diary entries. As a newbie I thought I better start writing or I will be kicked from the community. Today I can thank her. I’ve discovered that her bark is worse than her bite.

My first The Diary Game entry

Friday, 03 March 2022“Mercy - forgiveness, goodness and compassion!” Can you still remember this entry? I cannot help but to sit here with a smile on my face. How I loved make that flower arrangement and that bouquet for that bride.

Thursday, 31 March 2022 – Now this is my favourite diary entry by far! I was declared COVID-19 FREE. After nearly ten days of pure agony I got out of bed feeling alive. I was so thankful and could not wait to see my grandchildren again. I missed all those small things in life so much that I just had to fill a page.

Dear diary, we have come a long way since my first entry. I’ve discussed my “rise and shine” , my “early mornings”, “mom’s taxi on the move” and “from dusk to dawn” with you.

I’ve missed you!

Now onto your mommy, The Diary Game.

Two years! Now that is a very long time! We haven’t had many experiences with her. In fact since I’ve opened you earlier this year we’ve only shared six entries. BUT, there is always that but… I must have read and up-voted at least a hundred of your brothers and sisters diary entries posted through your mom.

Some of them made me laugh, some of them made me cry and some of them just made me feel so proud that I am human.

Your mom has for sure changed my life in so many ways!

I have learned that it is okay to share my daily life.

I have learned that you are not alone in this wide world of Steemit

I have learned that out there is always someone who enjoys your day with you.

I have learned that people appreciate you for who you are.

I have learned that people care!

Haha! I just have to laugh. I can remember sharing with you how my hubby hide my towel when I was in the shower. I wonder how many of those who have read my post could actually picture me running around naked looking for my towel.

O gosh, now I am blushing!

Life is like as scale. Sometime it weighs us on the “heavy” side and sometimes on the “lighter” side. It is for us to find that perfect balance act. The same with your mom, The Diary Game. Sometimes there are advantages and sometimes there are disadvantages in sharing my entries to you and with her.

I have discovered that when you feel down and the scale is tipping to the heavy side it helps to share. Putting that pen to paper is opening my thoughts. I can reflect back on why I am feeling down. So often after I have read my entry I discover how I was truly feeling deep inside myself. I think your mom is a psychiatrist.

Awh! Then on the lighter side! All I want to do is to dance and share! It makes me feel so good when I can tell you and her all about it.

That is what I must do! I must find that perfect balance act. I must write about what is pulling me down and also about what is lifting me up. Is life after all not what we make out of it and not others?

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You will always find those who are not happy with the way things are. That is what make us interesting as human. Just think how boring life would have been if we all had to agree.

How I wish I can tell all your brothers and sisters not to worry about disadvantages weighing them down. That they must just do their own thing and do it right.

Time to say… “Dear diary, this is where I close you for the day”

Ps. Please give your mom my love and tell her that I say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I wish her all the best for the next 2 years!

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I invite;


@patjewell, do you know I actually scrolled down your "post wall"... And I saw a gap of about five years left. I wanted to know why such a gap was left. I couldn't just understand... Haha 😀😀 But I actually got the answer reading this post.

Sometimes, when we share our daily lives, it gives others hope to live, especially when they see that they aren't only the people going through what they are going through. It helps people to laugh, learn and not to give up...

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Kind regards.

Such wise words! You are so write, read snd listen to others posts. There is so much shared between the lines 😊

Hahahaha, my bite and my bark, all are geared towards success dear. We do it for each other. I like to receive barks because they keep me on the alert.

Am glad you embraced the idea of diarygame and today, you have something to write on. Hahaha, benefits of diarygame supercedes the disadvantages. Thanks for your entry dear. Let's keep moving forward

Thank you your support, kind reply AND for helping me 🌼

 2 years ago 

I'm a little surprised that after being on Steemit for so many years, you wrote your first journal this year, but well it's never too late and even if you don't like to share personal things, you now feel great doing the journals and have found that people care.

Keep sharing your journals you will surely see the great benefits. Regards

Thank you for reading my post.
I was stupid, was active for +/- 1 month and then only returned to Steemit in January this year. I’m very much of a newbie 😊
Thank you, I will for sure follow your advice 👍🏻

Diary game is such a lovely post, to me it is like sharing the activities of my day (either good or bad) to my friends, the comment I received helps clearing my mind. I'm happy you enjoy writing diary game now. Keep on steeming.

Good luck with the contest.

Thank you for reading it.
I’m sure that the more I write diary entries the more I will get use to it 😊

The diary games helps to build us and maintain friendship with people ,the fun times are experiences are quite worth it ,I’m happy reading your post keep steeming hot 🥵

Haha! You got me laughing!
I will steem hot 🥵

You're had such a wonderful experience in steemit and I'm quite shocked to read how you ventured into the diarygame as a whole just some months back.

Back when I joined steemit I could attest that's the only post I was Literally doing until steem cameroon started organizing different contests and I ventured into. But most especially, this diary game has helped me organize my to do list .
Thanks for the mentioned
Good luck to the contest!

Thank you for reading my friend.
When I joined Steemit I was only active for a short time and diary entries was not known to us.
For 5 years I was absent from Steemit and only returned in January. It was only when I joined Steem4Nigeria that I got to know & understand it 😊

Wow, this is interestingly interesting to read, I find this piece of article outstanding, why am I just meeting for the first time..hmmm am intrigued, so you have been missing out all this while, oh I remember you had your reason, but it good to have you back.
And also, do encourage if it needs barking then bark at me, so far it leads to success

I will do three things for you today, cos you got me with your presentation.

I will follow you, vote your comment and resteem
Oh, it's 4.
A nice entry I hope you find support.

Haha! This is so precious! Thank you! Your reply is just as interesting to me.
I will return your favour by following you, voting for you & resteem a post of yours.
Don’t ever change! 🌼

This is huge...
Thanks a lot.

The pleasure is all mine! 😊

Always been carried away while reading your post until I got to the end and feel it shouldn't have ended. You are not alone when it comes to being afraid of writing personal Matty on social media. But steemit has broken the barrier. Haha, now I can share my personal life on steemit because I have seen the benefits though I can't still do it on other social medias. Thank you for always sharing your interesting diaries with us. I believe after this more diary post will be coming.

Thank you fir the compliments !
With words like yours I might just start writing diary entries every day 😜
Thank you for your support!

Seems you deleted the post earlier??

I like reading your diary game posts @patjewell because it is of top quality.The diary game is an opportunity for us to keep records of our activities and to share it with friends on Steemit.

I was particularly surprised that you made your debut diary game post in february this year😊.I am glad you now enjoy writing it.The benefits are plenty and more benefits await you.


Sowwy! I had to delete it as it was posted in the wrong community 🙈
Thank you for your kind words. I’m looking forward to reading yours.

@patjewell Surely I make my entry soon.I will update you as soon as I do that.

I’ll be on the lookout for it 😊

 2 years ago 

How cute and dynamic you made your publication, first time I read you and I loved it. It is appreciated that you are very spontaneous and that is perfect for the journal game.

Let's keep sharing our lives and making beautiful friendships, success!❤️👋🏽

Awh thank you so much for your kind words!
Nice meeting you friend!

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