SEC-S18-W3: "Letter to my father" I always want you by my side, father

in Steem Venezuela9 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum

Hello Everyone I Am @memamun
From #Bangladesh

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Dear friends and brothers, hope all are well. Alhamdulillah I am also fine by the infinite mercy of Allah. Health is a great gift from God. I express my gratitude to him by thanking him for this blessing. Today I came to the Steem Venezuela community. Where the engagement contest is being organized. The subject of the contest is SEC-S18-W3: "Letter to my father" From the best of my knowledge on this subject I will try to write inshallah. So let's begin.


dear father,

Hope you are well. Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Baba, you are my honorable father. Since birth, you raised me on your lap and back. When I had a need, you filled it right away. Spent for me in the sweat of my head. Your illness did not let any of us understand me Suffering itself has given us satisfaction. Your love and affection cannot be repaid with gold, because love is repaid with love.

Father, now I have grown up, learned to understand. I have learned responsibility, I can afford your expenses by my own earnings. I don't want to work anywhere else, I want to Pay the rest of my life from my earnings. Then at least I can console myself that I can repay your love. please dad Allow me to serve you with this opportunity.

IMG20240608062424.jpg My handwritten letter to my father. / @memamun

Dad, I am very lucky that you are still alive. And I also want you to live for a thousand years. I would like you not to grow old. You will be immortal. So that you never have to lose. I am still grateful to the Creator for that. Believe me father, this success of my life is all yours contribution You have taken care of me since childhood. I really cried while writing these words in the letter.


Your responsibility has impressed me. When you took a small job to support our three siblings' education and various expenses, when day after day you put yourself in worry and misery hoping to fulfill our needs. He had no need of his own. It was only around us. How is your love? The love that ended you slowly. How is your love? That love it self has been careless.

Father, I remember that day, the day I didn't realize you wanted me. I have ignored you many times. Many times I did not listen to your directions. I have never heard your words, deceived by the devil and deceived by evil friends. But with your love and your rule today I am so far I came If it wasn't for your love and this discipline, I might not have come this far.


You brought me back from school and educated me in a religious madrasah. I didn't understand then and I didn't want to but with your discipline and love I was forced to study. But I have so far understood that this study of your obedience and discipline will serve me so well. that's yours How important are those words and how important is direction. Today I want to learn your discipline and love Can I ever repay this debt of yours?

Father, you will forgive me because I am your child. But I disobeyed you many times but now I understand. I don't know whether I will ever be able to repay this debt of yours, but please grant my request in this letter. This is the letter I present below with a selfie.


This last selfie is the selfie I wrote to send a letter to my father. The letter with which I have to cry to write this letter even though I have a smile on my face.


Well friends, that's it for my participation, I hope it is to everyone's liking. And I thank you in advance for the comment and support that you are willing to leave me.

I invite @marianri @arinaz08 and @miviki to participate in this challenge.


Thank you everyone

Good Bye



Hola amigo. El amor se paga con amor, una deuda impagable, tanto sacrificio para cumplir las necesidades de otros , gracias porque ellos existen y por ese amor tan inmenso que nos tienen, por aún se desobediente y no nos abandona , sino que se esfuerza para orientarnos havia la dirección correcta. Ahora como adulto entendemos cosas, con toda la pena del mundo ya comprendemos , gracias por esos seres maravillosos que Dios nos a dado.

ধন্যবাদ প্রিয় আপু।
সৃষ্টি কর্তা আমাদের পথ দেখানোর জন্য বিভিন্ন মাধ্যম দিয়েছেন। তার মধ্যে আমার পিতা একজন সেরা পথপ্রদর্শক। যার সান্নিধ্যে থেকে আমি সফল পথ পেয়েছি। আলহামদুলিল্লাহ। ভালো থাকবেন।

 9 months ago 


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السلام علیکم عزیز بھائی اپ نے اپنے ابو جان کے نام بہت ہی محبت بھرا خط لکھا ہے جس سے یہ ظاہر ہوتا ہے کہ اپ کو اپنے والد صاحب سے بہت محبت ہے بالکل ایسا ہی ہے کیونکہ والدین اپنی اولاد کو بہت ہی لارڈ سے پالتے ہیں ان کی ہر ضرورت کا خیال رکھتے ہیں اپنی ذات کو قربان کر کے اپنی اولاد کی ہر خواہش کو پورا کرنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں اور یہی وجہ ہے کہ اج اپ ایک کامیاب انسان ہیں اور اج اپ کی کامیابی کا سارا کریڈٹ اپ کے ابو جان کو جاتا ہے کیونکہ والدین اپنی اولاد کو کامیاب دیکھنے کے لیے بے انتہا کوشش کرتے ہیں اور محنت کرتے ہیں اللہ اپ کے والدین کو ہمیشہ قائم رکھے.

Thank you so much for the valuable comment 😊

You are always welcome dear brother stay blessed



Hai @memamun.

It seems like your father is a religious person, he has educated you properly, you are really at the stage your parents expected, this is a relief and relief. Dad, our opinion is very good, I applaud you for understanding the law well, your father seems very strict and disciplined Father has succeeded in educating you to this stage.

I hope that you often express your affection for your parents while they are still around

ধন্যবাদ প্রিয় @prilly 😊

ভালোবাসার আরেক নাম বাবা, বাবা আমাকে ধর্মীয় শিক্ষায় শিক্ষিত করেছেন। বাবা আমাকে মহাগ্রন্থ আল কুরআন মুখস্থ করার সুপথ দেখিয়েছেন। এর চেয়ে বড় কিছু পাওয়া আর কী হতে পারে। আমি সবসময় তাদের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞ৷

আপনার মন্তব্যে আমি আনন্দিত। ভালো থাকবেন। 🥰

 9 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Que carta tan hermosa vale... Cada letra que conforma las líneas de este escrito destila el inmenso amor que sientes hacia tu padre y, estoy segura de que, él está orgulloso del hijo tan extraordinario que eres y, sin duda alguna, eres su reflejo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

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