Dazzle with your style

Hello fantastic steemian across the globe 🌍 Greetings to you ALL. Hope your day is blessed. I remain @Mbetobongluke I'm super excited to participate in this contest. A big thanks to @lirvic for organizing this wonderful contest.

Do you think that personal style can influence the way others perceive us?


Absolutely. We all are in the world were people view us differently. Some might even learn from our style. My personal style influence a lot of people around me. My choice of style is in tangent with that of my mentor. He choose to be an extrovert. A socialized person that can adapt to any place or circumstance he found himself. I got influenced by his style and also follow suit.
Today, people perspectives and view concerning my style is credible.

What inspires you to create your own personal style?

My inspiration comes as a result of my position in my family as the first son and the only male child in my family.
Possessing this can of style help my other sibling (sisters) and people around me to learn and have regards for me.
At some point in life, my sister's also got inspired about my personal style and nature of life.

Are you one of those who likes to follow the style that is in fashion, or do you prefer to express your own style?

Here, alot of people will have different view and perspective on this other question but as for me, I like expressing my style differently as a percular kind of person.
Hope my personal view on the choice of expressing my own style is adore.

Do you think that age influences when it comes to following fashion trends?


Absolutely yes. As values and society change, fashion also changes. As people change and evolve their identities, their own fashion choices changes as well. Even as people age, fashion evolves because of a shift in identity that comes along with the human experience of aging.
I practical adore to this view of mine because change is constant.

I would love to respectfully invite the following friends to participate in this contest,

 6 days ago 

Hola amigo.

Que bueno que te guste expresar tu estilo de manera diferente como un tipo particular. Creo que es lo mejor expresar nuestro propio estilo.

Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso.

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