SEC-S18-W5: Photographs and emotions

in Steem Venezuela11 days ago

Design by me, edited on Canva.

Photographer is truly a visual element that brings back memories, might be positive memories and it might be negative memories. Photographs and emotions is a reasonable title to begin the week and I'm delighted to take part; it's all about pictures, the feelings and emotions it portray; I hope you guys are coming with me on this journey.

Taking pictures in my cell phone is one of my favourite hubby ever since I joined the steemit platform and I can say I've got several memorable pictures saved in my gallery. In today post, the uploaded pictures is scale and classified as follow.

  • Fear.
  • Joy.
  • Peace.

In life, we stumbled at various certain circumstances, this situation can someday make a positive impact and it can turn a negative impact too. Fear is a natural thing to human and we felt it in due time. If being fear was a person, it would've been me the first day I saw a man being shoot to dead.


The tears of the old woman, the mourning of the crowd, the intense feeling of the dead was ridiculous, can you withstand the pressure? I was fear to returned home because it was dark, a lot of thoughts ran through my head and I was miserable. I wasn't myself anymore, speechless was my name, I wonder how I managed to photograph the dead.

A family man was returning back from work, the poor man was thinking how to quickly reach home and had a dinner with his family but eventually; he was shoot to dead, what a world of heartless neighborhood. His life was eradicated on earth and today, he is no more among the living. His children are now fatherless, his wife is now husbandless, I wish the could've allowed the poor man to live his life that putting an end to his journey.


Joy is also a natural feelings installed in ourself by our beloved creator, joy is characterized by various happy events such as achievement, engaging in a favourite activity like aerobics programs, football and more.


It was a football Wednesday and we were paired to play, the feelings was extremely high on us because football brings people together and enhance overall well being, finding ourselves appearing on blue shirt was one of the biggest happiness and inspiration to play because some of us there, blue which represents Chelsea football club is our favorite colour and Chelsea is our favourite football team.

This particular feeling is always special because we're with people who care about our happiness, people who will do anything to get me and others excited no matter what it takes. Joy is a fundamental feelings and anytime we do things that trigger this feeling, I see my teeth and my friends own shining, we feel good.



Remember jesus teaching in the mountain, he said Happy are the peacemakers, since they will be called sons of God. Do we look bothered in the picture? Nope we aren't, we aren't bothered because we seek for peace and peace becomes the biggest part of us.

It's extremely complicated to find peace in this current world, the world is full of hatred, war, quarrels, brutal people everywhere and all kinds of negative habits, but you see, the son of God are living peacefully without worried. As long as there's food to feed on, clothes to wear and a roof to hide our head, others things are less concerned therefore living a peaceful live within the neighborhood.

In conclusion, photograph like the uploaded one's always brought back memories and emotions whenever my eyes set on them, in our daily life, we need Camara to enhance our lives and create memories through capturing moments of life; with Camara, we create a long lasting memories.

I place my humble invitation to @patjewell @jewel005 and @goodybest, it will be a pleasure to read your entries.


Pictures are mine.


Best regards KIDI40

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