RE: SLC - Club Repair S23 W2 / Reparación de Cargador Telefónico.
Dear @pepo84,
The phone charger repair post you shared is very informative and educational. You have beautifully described the process of repairing a broken charger step by step. In particular, you have beautifully illustrated the process of replacing the USB port and restoring the charger's functionality.
The post is easier to understand as each step is shown through pictures and videos. We are impressed by your dedication to your work and attention to detail.
Your participation as an active member of the Home Repair Club is very valuable to us. We invite you to our club again. Your knowledge and experience will be very beneficial to our members.
I look forward to more informative and educational posts from you in the future. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to share them with us.
Thank you.
Saludos apreciado amigo.
Para mí es un gran placer poder formar parte de éste Club de reparaciones, nuestros compañeros han mostrado excelentes post muy interesantes que fácilmente podría ponerlo en práctica.
Decidí compartir con todos ustedes la reparación del cargador de mi hija menor, ya que es el encargado me mantener con carga nuestros teléfonos celulares.
Espero poder seguir aprendiendo de todo el gran equipo que conforma este valioso Club, la experiencia de los tutores son muy importantes y valiosas para mi