SEC-S7W3 – Drawing my photo

  • I am very glad to participate in this community contest which is very interesting you can draw any kind of thing in which you show your interest and you think that you can make it more beautiful and more better you can draw.


•I am very happy that I find an opportunity to participate in this contest and as I love my country so I wish to draw the flag of my country as I think that I can draw it very betterly than all other things.


• To be patriotic is a very good quality that should be in everyone for their country because your country might be your homeland where you born or may not be your Homeland.
• I love my country which is Pakistan. I love this land and it is famous for Pakistan that the people of this homeland are very lovely kind and generous.
•All these things are true about my motherland and I love this line because I also born in Pakistan.
• I want to share and expose out my love for my country by drawing a flag as this contest is also about to draw something So I want to draw the flag of Pakistan.Hope so the people or the users who judge will like my drawing which I will make from my heart.



•First of all to make the flag or to draw something there are some tools that everyone use must while making the drawing.
But regardless of all these things I want to mention the necessary things to make a drawing or to make a sketch or to do an art work:

1Lead pencil✏️📝

How I make my flag?


•At first I used leadpencil and scale for the purpose of drawing to straight lines first and this was the first step while making flag.
• I draw two lines straight in the middle of my page and then after drawing the lines I simply Draw 3 stairs like lines below the two straight lines as I am also showing you in the picture you can see then you will see then you will have a better idea what I am saying.


•Basically the three lines that I draw below the two straight lines denote that the flag is placed add up place off land and it is adding in the beauty of my art also.


•Now I want to move towards the second step which will be all about two beautify my drawing and for this purpose I have to Draw something from metal to beautify the two straight lines.


•The two straight lines are basically showing that there is a wodden bar by which a piece of cloth which will be green and white and there will be a sign of moon and star at this piece of cloth and basically when all these things combined then it will make my flag which is my country flag Pakistan.


•Now I want to move with you guys towards the third step and I think that In which way I am explaining to you all the things you will not be confused and you will enjoy my writing my article my blog whatever you want to say In short my drawing by my pictures and my skills.


•I draw In this step a piece of cloth showing you dancing in the cool breeze and showing you that there is a happiness and it is distributing the joy and happiness all around.

•You can see that how beautifully I made the actual look and actual outline of my flag.


•Now this is a fourth step and it is also quite interesting in which I draw the moon and start that is present in between my flag and these are considered basically the main signs of my flag.The star that is present in my flag is of five corners and five corners denoting the five basic pillars of the Islam which is my religion.



•Now I am moving towards the fifth step which is very easy and in this step I just use lead pencil to highlight and to colored the flag where I think that coloring with pencil beautify my drawing.


•This was the last step and now I want to say to all my friends good bye.


Nice bro to see you here

 last year 

Greetings my friend @affanali

I find it a good drawing, however, it is important that you share the reference photo for which you made the drawing, on the other hand, the format of your post is similar to the following post.

You are a patriotic citizen, you choose to draw the flag of your country. Good drawing, keep it up.

 last year 

Hola @affanali, es muy bueno expresar que ama mucho tu pais de Pakistán, un buen post me gusta mucho leer tu participación, y como explicaste el paso a paso de tu dibujo.

It seems to me that you forgot to post a photo of the flag that you photographed, although I may not understand something :) Have a great day!

Thank you 💗
No I have not missed any photo

You are welcome! You better know :)

 last year 

El amor por su patria es algo que todo ciudadano debe conservar, y usted lo ha plasmado muy bien dibujando la bandera de su país, un símbolo que lo representa ante el mundo.

Éxitos en el concurso.

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