in WhereIN3 years ago

Hai sobat wherein....dimanapun anda berada semoga anda baik baik saja. Pada kesempatan ini saya ingin postingan tentang kegiatan tadi siang.

Tadi siang masyarakat kampung kami bekerja sama dengan para pekerja lainnya untuk menaikkan dan dan memasang tangki air ke atas atap kamar mandi dimeunasah.

Berkat kerja sama warga dan akhirnya tangki tersebut sudah selesai dinaikkan. Tinggal kita pasang pipa aliran air.

Semoga postingan ini bermanfaat, " salam sukses sobat wherein"

Hi wherein friends .... wherever you are I hope you are fine. On this occasion I would like to post about this afternoon's activities.

This afternoon our villagers worked with other workers to raise and install a water tank on the roof of the bathroom at the meunasah.

Thanks to the cooperation of the residents and finally the tank was finished raising. We just need to install the water pipe.

Hopefully this post is useful, "greetings success wherein friends"

[WhereIn Android] (

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