
in WhereINlast year

"Love and Betrayal Intertwined"
This is a story that happened in ancient times, telling the love and hatred between a beautiful woman and two men.
The heroine of the story is named Huarui. She was born in an aristocratic family. She has a beautiful face and outstanding talent, so she is loved and admired by her parents. When Huarui was young, she met two men: one was Sun Ling, a young and promising official, and the other was Li Ming, a handsome Jianghu man.
The relationship between Huarui and Sun Ling quickly warmed up. They were very happy when they were together, but Huarui was always hesitant and uneasy in her heart. She felt that although Sun Ling was talented, he was too utilitarian and selfish. He often ignored Huarui's feelings for his own future and status.
On the other hand, Li Ming's love for Hua Rui is also deep and sincere. He does not pursue power and status like Sun Ling, but is willing to accompany Huarui through the journey of his life. Huarui also felt Li Ming's affection, but she was not sure about her own heart, and she didn't know how to face the love of two men.
One day, Sun Ling proposed to break up suddenly because he felt that Huarui did not meet the standards and requirements of his family. Hua Rui was deeply hurt, but also felt a little relieved, and she began to get closer to Li Ming.
However, the happiness of Huarui and Li Ming did not last long. Sun Ling didn't want to see Huarui and Li Ming together, so he started a series of revenge and obstruction actions. He used his power and relationship to make Li Ming guilty and forced Huarui to give up her love with Li Ming.
Huarui's heart is ashamed, and she feels that her life has become meaningless. However, Li Ming did not give up, he has been silently guarding the stamen, and proved his affection and commitment to the stamen with his own actions.
In the end, the truth came out, and Sun Ling was punished as he deserved. Huarui and Li Ming came together again, and their love became more firm and precious because of this.

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