in WhereIN3 years ago





Roses that are still alive, full of color and vigor, they refuse to die even though the hand that planted them and cared for them is no longer there. She, the one who is no longer here is my grandmother, she died 4 months after my daughter, who is now 7 years old, was born, she was able to meet her great-granddaughter.

I spent some time without visiting my grandmother's house, but when I came back everything around her was like dead, her plants that she took care of so much were gone, all dry and dead, her front garden without color, without care, with weeds, It seemed that everything had died with her, without a doubt it was her hand that gave life to that house, it was her beauty, her kindness and her kindness that painted her garden and everything that surrounded the house, but she was no longer there.

How curious, when one day I arrived at her house and saw this plant beautiful colorful roses, bright, open, showing the beauty of the one who is no longer there. It is the only plant left at the entrance of the garden and even though it is surrounded by weeds it fights to live and remind us that there was someone who took care of it and even though it is gone it is still alive.

No matter how many weeds you have around you, or how many people you have lost, the important thing is to fight, grow and move forward despite the circumstances. Fill yourself with color and bloom, shine in the midst of adversity and others will be able to follow your example of courage. Be like this rose that refuses to die even though the one who cared for it is no longer here. Your care comes from God!


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