RE: What Happens if Yellowstone Blows Up?
There is a possibility, but there is nothing to be afraid of.
The Milky Way is a horizontal disk. Our solar system moves vertically up and down, passing through this disk. This horizontal disk contains waves of dust clouds being ejected from the galaxy core. Our up and down trajectory reentered this cloud in 1859.
We see a phenomenon in the sky in Canada periodically called the Aurora Borealis ... the Northern Lights.
During the Carrington Event in 1859, the sky was so bright that people could go outside to read by the light emitted after midnight.
There is a cataclysm associated with this cycle of passing through this cloud that repeats roughly 12,000 years. The last time this happened is called the Younger Dryas Event. The first three minutes of this video describe some of the happenings during this time.
There is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about this. But, if you for a certainty know that the world would end tomorrow, what would you do? Connect with people you love; eat a good supper? But, of course, that is something you should try to do anyway. So, what do you believe will happen after you die? This really puts your religious beliefs into perspective.
Every day, the potential for peril exists: one could be hit by a bus, the sun could cast a massive CME in our direction, or a supervolcano could go off. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.