Fedbook bans alternative thinking!-

Fedbook banned me in 2012.
So, it's about time those folks did something to run afoul of the authoritarians, iyam.

It's not all that hard, after all.


On Facebook Banning Pages that Support CrimethInc.com

And the Digital Censorship to Come

Facebook has taken down multiple Facebook pages they believe to be connected with crimethinc.com and itsgoingdown.org, among other anarchist and anti-fascist publishing projects, officially on the pretext that they “support violence.”
This has nothing to do with stopping violence and everything to do with suppressing social movements and the publishers that cover them.

For months, Donald Trump has demanded this crackdown in a series of social media posts explicitly blaming anarchists and anti-fascists for the countrywide wave of protests precipitated by persistent police violence in the United States.
A decade ago, Facebook representatives proudly touted their role in the Egyptian uprising.
Today, their decision to ban publishers who discuss social movement activity shows that they are eager to play a role in ensuring that the only forms of activism that can emerge are the ones that are beneficial to the current authorities.


“CrimethInc. are the poets and intellectuals of a truly free society. and if anarchist publishing has any common theme, it is to dream of a society in which organized violence and the threat of systematic violence would not exist, where there would never be a situation in which groups of men with sticks and guns and bombs would be able to threaten others. This is not just a legitimate political position, it’s a vital, essential, necessary one. Nothing could conceivably be more violent than to tell us—and particularly our young people—we are forbidden to even dream of a peaceful, caring, world.”

-David Graeber, author of Debt: The First 5000 Years, and professor of anthropology at the London School of Economics, responding to the news of the Facebook ban

Story continues.

We get as much tyranny as we tolerate.
Unless, and until, you personally, dear reader, get out of your box and begin to look at throwing rocks at people violently subjecting you to to one set of laws while they get a totally different rule set, you can expect the oppression to continue.

Open your mind, rule by force is the disease.
As long as you think it is ok to use violence to control others, this is what we get.
Violently controlled by others with more power than us.

Tell anybody that will listen.


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