Relationships and Selfishness@mostaqul-bangladesh

in New Destinationlast year (edited)
Assalamu Alaikum. Hope everyone is well. I'm fine too. I am Md. Mostaqul Mozid. I live in Dhaka. I work at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). I am a member of BUET. I already completed all of my 6 Achievement tasks. I am a moderator of this community. I am presenting my first post in this community.
Relationships and Selfishness


Selfishness can have a significant impact on any good relationship, they focus on one's own needs and desires. The needs of others are not valued here. Apparently, being selfish in a family can lead others to feel neglected or resentful.


Sincerity, and illusion in relationships have decreased these days. Everyone respects those who have money. Many people will keep their relationship with you for their own interests. Don't find them to you when their need ends.


A good relationship requires mutual respect, and trust. Also, good relationships are built on consideration for each other's needs. Selfishness destroys and weakens the virtues of good relationships. It causes a rift in the relationship. Selfishness leads to misunderstandings between people, leading to conflict and turning a good relationship into a bad one.


Here everyone has to be aware of their selfish tendencies. They have to be sincere. Everyone's empathy should be valued. Here you have to keep selfishness away and keep your personal ambitions away and look at the relationship. And everyone's feelings of need should be prioritized.


In many cases, special needs require valuing one's own needs over the feelings or needs of others. It is a normal thing But building a good relationship requires making efforts to understand and support each other. Being aware of everyone's activities, everyone's thoughts and respecting everyone can build a strong and lasting relationship.


Selfishness creates discord in us. A relationship cannot be sustained for long with selfishness. Sometimes a beautiful relationship is due to selfishness will break It is not right to protect the relationship with self-interest. We will protect our relationship with affection and love. Thank you for taking the time to visit and read this post.

Thank you for taking the time to visit and read this post.

Thank you
Allah Hafeez
Md. Mostaqul Mozid


Thank you so much bhaia for sharing this beautiful content. The topic of "Relationship and Selfishness" is very important for now-a-days.
We need to more concerned about it and need to be able to avoid negativity. 😇

So glad to see your post, it's really incredible. Love the way that you posted. Keep doing the good work. All the best.

 last year 


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