When Karma Hits Back. Finale.

in BDCommunity4 years ago


!! this is a “karma is a bitch” type fiction inspired by true events !!

If you want to read the first part here is a link to that.

And now for the “karma bites back” part.

To give a context about why what happened next happened in the first place, let me enlighten you a bit about our culture and traditions.

In most of the Muslim countries like ours, arranged marriage is
the way you get married. As normally, the bride and groom are selected by the parents. And even if you love someone, to get married, you have to ask their parents for permission.

And so, the majority of the marriage happening in this country is done so through matrimonial agencies or brokers in between. Like its some kind of a trade deal.

So after he graduated, Ryans' mother was trying to get him married off. As it is too a popular belief that marrying late makes one hippie.

After many tries and many rejections, a family agreed to meet.

When Ryan saw the bride for the first time,he was confused. Because this one was very pretty too. Like the girls who usually reject him. In his words “A fairy with her wings clipped off”. And she was also a doctor while he had a small telemarketer's job then.

Their house had a balcony. When all the formalities ended, he asked his mom to go with him in there to have a private talk.

There he asked her that why and how did the bride's family agree to this?

She replied that they had some demands, some financial demands that the family was asking. Like dowry but from the groom's side. So she agreed and will pay them off. His mother had some money saved up. She decided to sell her jewelry and with her savings combined the amount should suffice.

This immediately went against his morale and he said that he doesn’t want to buy her. He wants someone to grow out a family with, to love and care for someone, not a slave. This angered him to such a point that he left the house without saying anything to anyone.

In between, the bride's family felt humiliated and they disagreed with the deal completely.

Later at a time in the next week, he had a call while he was at his office. A girl was insisting repeatedly to meet with him. But she wasn’t giving out any info about her. She said if he sees her he will know. He thought this might be a scam and didn’t agree.
So the next day, he has a visitor at his office.

It was the girl who her mother wanted him to marry. He was a bit surprised as he thought that the girl would be relieved to know that he disagreed with the marriage.

And then she said the kindest words anyone ever said to him. She was in the next room when he was talking with his mom on the balcony. She heard it all and in a flimsy and cheesy twist, she fell for her.

And for the better part of the previous week, she has been only thinking about him and wants to try out if it works.
Such theatrical only happened in movies. So for the next few months, they went out. And after only a year, they married.
The happy ending could’ve been it. If it ended there. But no. God had other plans.

He was trying out the exams and job interviews to get the government job he was looking for and luckily, at the next release of yearly government job gadget he was enlisted. After he took the job they even had a child, a beautiful boy. The things happening was like straight out of Disney movies.

So, as they were a working couple, they both looked after the kid by evenly distributing the hours.

At office time, she will look after him. When he is free he will look after him.

One day, he was going to the office and came by to give the boy to her. There was a long line of patients outside her room. So at the exact moment when he was going in, that girl he tutored and didn’t get paid and her mom was coming out.

Immediately after seeing him, that spoiled brat had the same reaction she had all those years before. She, without lowering her voice, said to her mum, “Ma, look, he is stalking us”

Without giving him any time to think, while he is still holding their baby boy, she leaped in, grabbed his collar and started shaking him violently while uttering sounds that didn’t make sense.

In all this chaos, his wife came out. And asked what had happened?

She said, “This mofo just tried to molest my daughter.”

His wife replied, “you are mistaking him for somebody else, he's just here to drop my baby off.”

She replied “how careless are you? Having your child looked after by a criminal!!”

The wife replied even more politely than before “He’s my husband”
At that instant, both of those entitled brats face became as pale as white sandpaper.

They knew what might happen next if they extended their foul attempts to humiliate Ryan so they immediately left without saying anything.

While Ryan and the wife were in their chamber laughing at the prior events, he asked about why they were there.

This is where the sotry unfolds about how Karma had its revenge.

After they fired Ryan, they gave the tutoring job to another boy.
The girl and the boy started a relationship and somehow she got pregnant. As she was a minor, the guy left her to avoid law while she was 4 months pregnant. So her mom got her to abortion. But doing it so late caused some complexities and infections in her overy. Now she can never be a mother again.

While he told me the story I was thinking only one thing, a quote,

“These violent delights have violent ends”
And oh man how the divine justice fell on them.


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