Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W6 | "Farewell"

in Reflexiones de Vida9 months ago
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Hello friends!!

It's last week of steemit Engagement Challenge season 12 and certainly I must say farewell with this post. Sad isn't it?

Tell us the story of your farewell from home?

Oh farewell most times are usual so hard to say but sometimes it is necessary and there is nothing you can do about it. Let me share with you a story.

Many years back after I had just finished from secondary school and waiting to enter the university. All my life I lived with mum, Dad and my siblings. My school wasn't even far from home so there was no reason to stay out of the house not even for one night.

I registered for an exam my country usually take that qualifies students to get an admission into the university. It's called Jamb. I sat for jamb exam and passed. It was such a happy moment for me and my family.

Fast forward, I started preparing for school, buying school items like clothes, provisions and food stuff. I was to resume school in a city very far from where I live with my parents.

The distance by road from the city my parents lived to the city where the university was located is 8 hours. It's really a long distance. The night before I travelled my Dad helped me packed my luggages, arranging everything in order. I just couldn't sleep, I was so anxious about the trip.

The next morning which was my departure day. My mum woke me up to get ready. She made a special meal for me. Jellof rice and put it into a food flask for me since it was to early for me to eat. By 6:30am I was ready to leave. My parents and siblings prayed for me. They prayed for safety and Good success for me in school.

After the prayers my parents and siblings joined me to the motor park where I would enter a bus going to the university. My Dad drove us in his car to the park. After buying my bus ticket it was time for my bus to leave. My siblings and parents hugged me to tight. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't hold it anymore.

Tears rolled down my cheek and I could also see tears in the eyes of my mum. Dad I believe was trying to be a man. I was his most favorite child, he wispered into my ears "I will miss you". I cried like a baby.

I entered into the bus and weaved at my family, other passengers in the bus even felt the love and emotion between I and my family and even talked about it as the bus moved.

Have you ever had to leave involuntarily, either because of separation in marriage, dismissal from a job or separation from fellow students? Tell us about a single case

Yes I have ever left a job involuntarily. Let me share the story with you.

After my schooling, Instead of going back to my parents house, I decided to relocate to another city for a better life. When I got to that city, I searched for job and as the job wasn't forth coming I decided to take just any available job.

I got a marketing job for a new company who has a platform where you can sell your products online just like jumia. My job was to go into the market places and get business owners to register on this platform so as to sell their products.

Since it was a new company, registration was made free. We also concluded on my payments schedule. We agreed I was going to get paid every two weeks. The offer seem fine to me so I was ready to work.

I started working in that company, I was loved by all the staff of the firm and even my costomers because I discharged my duties with deligence and hardwork.

Long story cut short, the owner of the company started acting strangely. He refused to pay me the agreed amount of money without any explanation. I went to him so he can explain to him why my salary was slashed for 4 weeks. He bluntly refused to answer, he simply said he was doing me a favour working for him.

The asked other marketers if they experienced the same slash in salary but they said no! I didn't understand what was going on. My boss bad attitude increased greatly. He kept looking for means to insult me verbally.

I knew my time was up in that company, I felt he was just jealous because costomers preferred that I attend to them than even him. I decided to bid them farewell even though I had come to love my job, bonded with the staff and costomers.

One morning I made up my mind to resign before my boss fires me from work. I told the staff and everyone present that morning at the office that today would be my last day working with them. I could see sadness in their eyes and tune of voice. I stopped working their involuntarily.

Do you feel prepared for another farewell?

Right now because of the many farewell's I have passed through in the past, I absolutely feel I am prepared for another farewell.

There are some kind of farewell that I would not hesitate to undertake. Like leaving my country to better country to improve my life and that of my family members.

I would be one of the happiest people on earth. I would bid my family and friends farewell without looking back. Am so prepared for this. Even though I will miss them.

What lessons does life teach us through these farewells?

There are lessons that we must learn from farewell. The first lesson I think life teaches us through farewell is that no situation is permanent. The opportunity you have to be happy with friends and family,enjoy it and don't allow anything stop you from doing it because you may never know when you have to bid them farewell.

Don't allow grudges, bitterness or un forgiveness stop you from loving others, checking on them and spending time to have memories with them. Let me share with you a simple story.

Few weeks ago, A lady I know, her mum often calls her to check up on her and ask for financial assistance since she was not working.

The lady and her mum didn't leave in the same city so they never got to see each other except the lady visits her mum. This particular week, this lady's mum called her daughter and ask for an amount of money. The lady promised to send the money.

The lady didn't get the money so she could not send the money to her mum. Her mum started calling her but she refused picking the calls. She avoided her mum's call for 5 days. Each time she would say I will call her back when I get the money to send to her but she never did call back.

On the seventh day, her phone rang and it was her brother calling. She picked the call and her brother asked her why she wasn't picking her mums call, he told her that two days ago her mum was dying and wanted to hear her voice but she didn't pick. He also told her that all the while her mum was calling, she wanted to inform her that she was sick.

The lady could not believe it. She cried so hard at what she has done. But guess what? Her mum was died and gone. Two days and she didn't know her mum was died. She mum wanted to bid farewell to her but she wasn't available.

At this point I invite my friends to take part in this contest.

@pandora2010 @sahmie @lhorgic @ninapenda


You just decide to make me emotional with all the stories captured in this post. Farewells are part of life, we would all say it at some point in our lives and I pray we all say it for good. Thanks for the invite.

Hahaha that wasn't my intention my friend!
Yes I always pray that farewell are made for good.
Thank you for your support


Farewell is one of the hardest moment, but it's easier when you know you're not saying goodbye forever, that you will still be in touch with the person and have the opportunity to see the person again. Well, one of our characteristics is adaptability, so we need to be flexible so that whatever comes our way won't hit us so hard. Success!

Oh yes ma farewell's are hard even though it's actually needed. You have made a great point on adaptability.
Thank you

There are many parting moments that happen in this life. Some are things we don't want but in reality we can't resist.
A long journey you take to do your studies by parting ways with your family and parents at home. I think this is the best path for your future.

Success for her contest my sister 👏

Thank you for your show of support.

Thank you for your best wishes

You're welcome my sister 👍

Greetings, colleague, I found your farewell interesting when you were heading to university, I understand the somewhat sad sentimental emotion of those moments, it is no wonder to see the family cry in that situation.

Your boss was envious of your good performance, and your colleagues were sad for your absence.

I share your opinion where it tells us that nothing is permanent, and that at some point we are going to witness a farewell.

success and blessings for you and your family.

goodnight ruthjoe.

Thank you for much for supporting my views about this topic. Nothing is really permanent. Enjoy the moment while it last.

You're welcome, mate, it was nice to support you in your publication, success and many blessings.
good day!


This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06 for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @pelon53

Jamb exam? what is this? I don't know about this exam but if I talk about your passion to study and to achieve your goals then it is very super because when you have to really get or again something then you don't think about to stay in contact with your family for a long time because you know that farewell would be very temporary but fruit that you would obtain would be very long lasting.
I wish good luck and success to you in this engagement challenge

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