Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W6 | "Farewell"

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Good day everyone, a warm greetings from Nigeria my motherland. How are you all doing?, This week's engagement challenge topic is just too special as it is really special to me. I would say, every step I have ever taken to better my life has one way or the other made me bid farewell to alot of people, from my school to even relationship life as well as my career pursuit.

On this contest, I will stop at nothing to tell you how I bade farewell to people, environment and even some characters just to have a better life, it has always been a risk and filled with mixed emotions as the beginning might feel the future is quite uncertain but on the log run, it has always turn out to be the best decisions I had be taking so far. So permit me to share my own experiences as well as the lessons I learnt from each experience.

Tell Us The Story Of Your Farewell From Home?


This particularly question made me reminisce alot of things, it was on the 15th of December, 2020, I decided to leave my home town (Ikot Ekpene LGA) to this particular town I am currently (Ikot Ekpene LGA). Throughout the previous night, I was thinking and thinking of how to even leave a place I have spent basically all my life in to another strange environment where I would have to get used to the things, people and even the food around there.

The morning I was supposed to travel, I almost unpacked things from my box because I never wanted to go again, but my will for greener pastures was bigger than my fear, I had to visit all my friends, hugged them before I left and even whilst I was on the taxi, I was still shading tears because, I couldn't just imagine my life without those people, my sibblings and even my friends over there.

Have You Ever Had To Leave Involuntarily, Either Because Of Seperation In Marriage, Dismissal From A Job Or Seperation From Fellow Students? Tell Us About A Single Case.


For real, I have faced a whole lot of situations that I had to bid farewell to my loved ones, but the one that got me right on my neck was when I was dismissed from the job I cherished so very much. I mean, I had put in so much energy, time and even my own resources trying to push the business to a more beautiful and productive phase but when I was laid off, I cried myself out.

This happened on the 14th of July, 2022, I had a call from my boss telling me he no longer needed my services, it was as if the whole world was on me, considering everything I had put into the job, the relationship I built with my staffs, the wonderful, bad and ugly moments I had faced while working there, I got depressed for like a month and I had to hire the service of a therapist, this was how bad it got. But at the end of the day, it was a good thing as I found other convenient opportunities.

Do You Feel Prepared For Another Farewell


"Yes" for sure, I am ready for another farewell, if bigger opportunity comes knocking, I won't hesitate to grab it, it doesn't matter the kind of relationship I have built or how much love I have towards this present job, at the end of the day, it's all about self-development.

Even in my relationship, if I am not being prioritized, I will stop at nothing to walk away, yes, I know it has always been filled with emotional imbalance and all the depressing stuffs, but what's more better than leaving with your sanity still intact?. Farewell will be my option if things goes south, which I am not praying so, but if it does, then I won't be left with anyother option than to leave

What Lessons Does Life Teach Us Through These Farewells?

Farewells are just means of shaking off the dirts in us inorder to be able to move on to the next phase of our lives. If we don't learn to say "goodbye", then we are not ready for the future. If we keep holding on to the things that obstructs the next opportunities of our lives, then we will spend as much time as we can't let go on the same spot till we learn to say goodbye and move on to the next level.

Having an experience of Farewell doesn't really break us, what breaks us are the things we will let go, somehow, we have cherished these things an they have so become part of us to the point we feel it's not possible to let go and till live very fine. But that's just a deceit from our minds, farewell sometimes, are the best option so we can live perfectly fine no matter how it happened.

I invite @etette, @wirngo, @chant, @bossj23, @ukpono and @emily08 to participate in this contest if they are yet to.

Thanks for reading


I guess we all go through such situations but come back on our feet and face them bravely. I have had similar situations so I can relate to what you went through. My best wishes.

Thank you for stopping by.
I really appreciate.

Saludos mi estimado amigo, te dolio tomar la decision de dejar tu espacio, afectos en busca de mejoras pero saliste y seguiras adelante. Imagino fue muy duro lo de tu trabajo pero son cosas que padan y no tienen porque desvirtuar tus capacidades y talento, mejores cosas estarian por venir. Saludos y bendiciones éxitos en tu estupenda entrada.

Thank you dear fried for your words of encouragement. I really do appreciate.

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¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Tomar la decisión de dejar el lugar donde hemos sido tan felices, es muy difícil y, aunque la tomemos, seguimos sintiendo lo complejo que es y, no es porque tengamos miedo o, consideremos que no es lo correcto pero, emocionalmente es complicado sentir con la razón y, es por esto que termina siendo difícil.

Mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

The mixed feelings that comes with this can literally linger for a very long period of time.

Thank you for dropping by my friend.


Farewell are the saddest moments to so many people just like you have experienced. It is not an easy one to manage but we keep moving and life continues.

Throughout the previous night, I was thinking and thinking of how to even leave a place I have spent basically all my life in to another strange environment

I find myself in such situations too that I can't sleep when I have something big go do the next day. I would stay up thinking of how I will do it and the steps I will take. It is always a sleepless night.

Being kicked off your job is really bad after all the sacrifices and hardwork you made. I have a similar case just few months ago and I plan to sew them as they owe me months of salaries.

It's a good thing you're fine now with your new area. Good luck and thanks for sharing with us

Alot of mixed feelings set in, but we got to do what we get to do.
It only hurts but time always heal.

As for the job, I was laid off so I can embrace the beautiful opportunities out here.

Thank you my friend for dropping by.

Dejar atrás aquello por lo cual hemos luchado tanto no es fácil, y eso que de pronto de la noche a la mañana le digan a uno que no es necesario pega, y hay que seguir adelante, a veces las despedidas cuestan, y mucho, pero hay que afrontarlas.

Saludos. SLPS

FJJRG Saludos.png

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