Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A call to conscience

in Reflexiones de Vida10 months ago (edited)


Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying life with the blessings of Allah Almighty. I am happy to take part in the exciting challenge hosted by Reflexiones de Vida contest (ESP/ENG) Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | Un llamado a la consciencia / Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A call to conscience So, without any further delay, let's dive right in!

Why do our youth and adolescents act with more violence? Explain some reasons that you think are the reasons.

In my opinion for a variety of reasons, youth may behave violently more frequently. First off i think, playing violent video games or watching violent movies can make people less sensitive to aggressiveness. Second, peer pressure may encourage individuals to engage in risky behavior, such as violence, in order to blend in or succeed.


Finally i think, a lack of emotional development assistance and education may leave children ill-prepared to resolve conflicts amicably. It's critical to address these issues if we want to guide our young in making wiser decisions.

What can we do to improve this situation or behavior? Can you name two alternatives?

I think numerous reason are expected but as mention two only i think improving this situation we can take into account two options in order to ameliorate the situation and lessen aggressive behavior among young people. First and foremost important is , funding communal and educational initiatives is essential. Access to a good education, extracurricular activities, and mentorship programs can keep kids interested in constructive activities . Secondly, it is crucial to encourage honest communication between parents and kids.

Additionally, the more importantly limiting access to violent media and fostering media literacy can aid in their capacity to discriminate between fiction and reality. These tactics can be combined to create an atmosphere that is safer and more tranquil for our children.

Why is today's society more apathetic to the pain of others, of others? Explain some reasons.Have you had to help others?

There are several reasons why people nowadays seem to be less sympathetic to the pain of others. First of all, living in a fast-paced, technologically advanced world might make us feel removed from actual events and less empathetic. Secondly the most important is, because it is exhausting to digest, the constant stream of news about different problems might cause desensitization. Additionally, concerns related to the economy and personal life can cause people to concentrate on their own issues, leaving little emotional energy for others.

Positively, a lot of people continue to assist others by volunteering, performing deeds of kindness, or giving to charities. To sustain a compassionate society, it is crucial to strike a balance between the difficulties of the modern world and acts of kindness.

Could you list some of the principles that were instilled in you or you instill in your family?

I guess there are some values that I hold dear and that families may impart, among them the most prominent is honesty, which is defined as the act of always speaking the truth and of being dependable. In order to foster courteous and open dialogue, it is essential to respect other people and their perspectives. Following through on commitments and accepting responsibility for one's conduct are both examples of responsibility.


Perseverance also instills in students the value of overcoming obstacles. Finally, being grateful helps us remember to be thankful and appreciate what we have. A strong, loving family can be created and a happy, peaceful home atmosphere can be created by following these guidelines.

I am Inviting @neelofar and @sahidalinaz to take part in this contest.

With Best Regards


Goodbye, friends. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all participating in this community. I will miss interacting with all of you, but it is time for me to move on. Take care & I hope to see you all again very soon , Best of Luck .

As the sun sets on the day
And the night falls softly in
We close this chapter, dear reader
But the story's not yet done
Tomorrow's pages wait, unwritten


Excelente participacion amigo, hubo algo que mencionaste que me llamo mucho la atencion, y es que para solventar esta situación se podria financiar iniciativas comunitarias y educativas, sin duda esto puede llegar a tener en la juventud un efecto bastante positivo, sin duda el acceso a una buen educacion y valores ayudaría mucho.

Que buena participación te deseo exitos.

Sin título (1080 × 500 px) (1).png

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 10 months ago 

Thank you for your insightful comment! Supporting community and educational initiatives can indeed have a positive impact on youth. Best wishes!

La violencia de los video juegos, lo cual parece inofensiva, ha causado varios casos de abusos y de agresiones muy fuertes.

La violencia a la que están expuestos nuestros jóvenes es mucha, la ven por todos lados, algunos en el hogar, otros en el entorno.

Con mucha comunicación, ejemplo de valores y amor, se pueden evitar.

Saludos. SLPS

 10 months ago 

Thank you for sharing your perspective on video game violence. Communication, values, & love are indeed crucial in addressing these concerns.

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