SEC-S16W4 | Travel to Another Planet | KEPLER-186f, The cousin of Earth 🌏🌌

in Traveling Steem6 months ago

Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing just great as me. I love this topic, finally i can talk about something I'm absolutely passionate about. Universe is my whole interest. I'm a student of space sciences, currently in my last year. I love Astrophysics and Astronomy. and I'm so so glad that finally we have a topic related to the outer space on this platform.

SEC-S16W4  Travel to Another Planet  KEPLER-186f, The cousin of Earth 🌏🌌.png


As a student of space science and technology, my Earthly boundaries have no power over me. I am a universal citizen forever curious about and intrigued by the mysteries and the wonders of the universe. The galaxy, with its treasure trove of stars and planets, presents us with unlimited choices, each space object a possible planet to be explored and unfolded by our inquisitive selves.

Amid these faraway worlds there is a planet whose imagination stirs the way few other do. This planet, situated in another solar system 100 light-years away, orbits its star within the ‘habitable zone’, a place where the environmental conditions might be conducive for life as we perceive it to exist. It has been found by space explorers with an advanced apparatus. This has open the question on the possibility of humans travelling beyond our solar system.

Which planet would you pick for a trip and why?

I will pick Kepler-186f not only because of the several reasons but I will also have to assume the situations like contamination of the planet are not prevalent. Initially, it is the same size with Earth so its gravity would be the same, probably. This allows the elimination of complexity while making it possible for humans to live and explore other planets where their gravity levels are of the same lower.

Kepler 186F was discovered by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope in 2014 and it revolves around its sun within in the habitable zone, also known as the Goldilocks zone where temperatures are neither too high nor too cold to let water be on the planet in its liquid form on the surface. Liquid water is known as the main origin carrier of all known life on our planet, thus, having water on Kepler-186f, the planet will be an object of close examination for the researchers in the search for extraterrestrial life.

In addition, this planet is particularly near to our home planet and is only 500 light years away. Besides this distance is still gigantic, it is within the space of super technologies development possibilities that we have which are all considered to be the current technologies.

Kepler-186f could be the next move to broaden our perspective beyond our solar system since there is an enormous potential of the existence of life somewhere in the Universe, we may just found out. Human race will be going further into space than before by this discovery of Kepler-186f that is space science frontier, and it will broaden the space exploration for the future centuries.

Will you visit it with Elon Musk? Set up your reasons.

Now, the fact that I can visit Kepler-186f with Elon Musk will be high on my agenda, but there are issues why I would dare make a different preference regarding the venture. And, what's more, these technical and administrative difficulties of visiting Kepler-186f are very sophisticated. The target sun is estimated to be as far as 500 light-years from Earth, and with the current propulsion technologies, it is nearly impossible to reach such distant locations. Furthermore, most probably, the trip will take hundreds or even thousands of years and such a time scale is beyond the life span of every human being.

In second place, such mission is of course astronomically expensive. Technology for Kepler-186f travel including supporting human life through the duration of the journey isn't a cheap approach, involving a huge number of resources. Although Elon Musk's Space X has taken a bold step into space exploration with the vision of colonizing Mars, the journey to Kepler -186f would open a can of worms.

The ethical issues remain to be addressed as well. Sending a human being to a distance star raises them to face questions about the psychological effects of such a long journey, which may also have impact on alien life conditions if it exists on Kepler-186f. It would be a must to ensure that all critical aspect of such a mission are given due consideration so that we can proceed on it without having any regrets.

To summarize, a visit to Kepler-186f accompanied by Elon Musk would thrill both parties, however, the difficulties and complexities of reaching this distant world suggest that from now on we search for alternative ways of exploring it.

What is the main advantage you think about living there instead of the Earth?


Dwelling on Kepler-186f could produce an efficient project for those environmental problems originating on the Earth. With its reservoir of available resources and unpolluted atmosphere, Kepler-186f is an environment that can actually support life - in this scenario, humans would be impacting their planet in a much smaller way compared to Earth.

The planet being or possibly residing in the habitable zone around the star and its stable climate clear up the way for the future life being sewn here. This may provide an elusive chance for untangling the ropes of our past by drawing the necessary lessons from it. Let's build a new world on Kepler-186f, that will be based on the principles of sustainability and justice.

Moreover, at the commencement of the exploration and colonization of Kepler-186f might be found a completely new grounds for technology advancement and other innovative ones. The obstacles of interplanetary shifts and settlement on a different world will reinvent the way we tackle dance problems, just in order to get the technological thrills from which the whole Earth will highly benefit.

In general, Kepler-186f may become a plan of leaving the ecological problems on Earth, and further on - an opportunity to give new start and mankind developing on sustainable and environmentally safe ways.

Would you travel alone there or with somebody else, who?



If I were to travel to Kepler-186f, I would go with a group of people who are not only experts of their fields but who also showed their love and care towards human matter. Similar to the astronauts in the movie Interstellar who embark on a mission to find another habitable planet for humanity, I strongly support the idea that our successful trip to Kepler-186f will depend on the joint efforts and sustained contribution of all the passengers who would go along.

The type of researchers I would like to travel with is the ones willing to enhance what we have learnt about the universe with the purpose of using the new knowledge for the good of mankind. Working as a team are engineers and technician who are enthusiastic about researching technology and who are consecrated to creating innovative approaches before the obstacles of deep space exploration are solved.

By my side, I would like such travellers that are determined to protect the environment already in space, know its significance, and can realize it in their actions. We have already gained new knowledge through our actions on our home planet about preservation and sustainability. I believe that exploring Kepler-186f will bring us more lessons about how we can live together in balance not only with our planet but also among ourselves.



Thank you for being here.


 6 months ago 

Wow, Kepler-186f sounds like an amazing choice. It is said to have similar size to Earth, which means that the gravity there could be just right for humans. That would make living and exploring other planets with lower gravity levels a lot easier. Plus, Kepler-186f is in the habitable zone, also known as the Goldilocks zone, where the temperature is just right for liquid water to exist on the surface. Since water is essential for life as we know it, this makes Kepler-186f a really interesting place to study for possible signs of extraterrestrial life. It's also relatively close to Earth, only about 500 light years away. While that's still a huge distance, it's within the realm of our current technological capabilities. Exploring Kepler-186f could be a big step in expanding our understanding of the universe and searching for life beyond our solar system. It's an exciting prospect.

 6 months ago 

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