SEC-S16W4 | Travel to Another Planet

in Traveling Steem4 months ago (edited)

Travel to Another Planet

Photo by Elizabeth Olson:


Good day to you, I welcome you to my page.

Here I'm going to be discussing about the topic Travel to Another Planet.

I talk about traveling to another planet and what it would feel like.

As you go through the write-up, I hope it will be worth your while.

Which planet would you pick for a trip and why?

The planet I will pick for a trip is Jupiter.

The reason why I chose Jupiter is because it is the biggest planet in the solar system. In addition, it is also the oldest planet.

It is said to have been formed from the left over of the dust and gases during the formation of the sun over 4.5 billion years ago.

It is also known to have the shortest days of all planets in the solar system. It takes jupiter 10.5 hours to spin round on its axis, unlike earth that uses 24 hours.

The planet body has stripes and swirls. They represent cold, windy clouds of ammonia and water that floats on an atmosphere that is made of helium and hydrogen.

Will you visit it with Elon Musk? Set up your reasons.

Visiting Jupiter with Elon Musk will be a moment of a life time. So yes I will visit with Elon Musk.

First he is a Billionaire. What an awesome opportunity it would be to visit another planet with the richest man on earth.

Another reason is that he owns a company that takes people out of earth to other planets. The name of the company is SpaceX.

They make the process of leaving earth for another planet easy and comfortable. So it will be a pleasure to take on this journey with SpaceX knowing fully well that there is nothing to be worried about.

The experience of it all is going to be exceptional.

I mean having to go to another planet with the richest person in this planet and also using his company to do so.

What is the main advantage you think about living there instead of the Earth?

To be honest there are no advantages living in Jupiter. That's because Jupiter doesn't have conditions and environments that are similar to earth.

Jupiter is actually a planet with so much gas in it. So it will be very difficult to walk in it or do anything for that matter.

It's time calculation is a little skewd as it has 10.5 hours in a day. And a year is 12 years on Earth.

And because it is a planet that is filled with gas, there's no place to land in jupiter. And like I mentioned earlier, it is a planet that is filled with helium and hydrogen.

So as we know it, Jupiter can't support life.

But I love the idea of going to Jupiter regardless. The thought of of it alone makes me feel like I'm in extacy.

If it were possible to go to Jupiter, it will be one of my life long dreams.

Would you travel alone there or with somebody else, who?

I will travel alone to Jupiter. This is not a journey that involves your family members or loved ones. It is a solo journey.

It is a journey for self amazement, for personal achievement. It is also a life and death journey because you are not sure if you will return back to earth.

 4 months ago 

Very interesting!
A fascinating insight into the prospect of interplanetary travel, expressing a preference for Jupiter due to its size and intriguing features.


Travelling from one planet to another was just a facination but it's super possible nowadays. Travelling to the largest planet (Jupiter) is one of the amazing choice people made. Here in Nigeria, we have experienced different variations of heat. So, going to a cold environment will be fantastic. Travelling with Elon Musk will be an added advantage because one will get to know him better. Wishing you a safe travel. Good luck on your post.

Yes if I get the opportunity to visit the moon instead, with Elon Musk I won't waste time at all, Elon Musk is a very influential man I admire alot and am working hard to raise enough capital I can use to invest in any reasonable business so that I can also be wealthy like Elon Musk some day after my education.

I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge bro

 3 months ago 

It is the biggest planet in our solar system and is even considered the oldest. That's because it formed from the leftover dust and gases during the sun's formation over 4.5 billion years ago. And get this, Jupiter has the shortest days of all the planets, spinning around on its axis in just 10.5 hours, while Earth takes 24 hours. But what really makes Jupiter fascinating are those cool stripes and swirls on its body. Those are actually cold, windy clouds of ammonia and water floating on an atmosphere made of helium and hydrogen. It's like a giant, swirling masterpiece in space.

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