Free Emotions

Assalamualaikum everyone!

Welcome to the post. Hopefully, all of you will be doing well and enjoying the time with the grace and blessings of Almighty Allah. Today, I'm here to be a part of week 6 contest in the Comunidad Latina. So, let's start the fun without any waste of time.


If an emotion had control in the central headquarters of your mind, what emotion would it be and why?

I think bring curious about something would be that one and only emotion that can have control in my mind headquarter. Curiosity is all about being anxious to ask, learn and grow in life.


Curiosity is something that could act like a motivation for me to ask questions, to learn from them and to improve my skills in life so that's all about reason of that emotion having control in my mind headquarter.

Do you think that as you grow up you feel less joy?

I think if I would say that this statement is 50% right and 50% wrong then there is nothing bad to say this, because when you grow and when you get older in your life then it means that now you are mature and you can think about wrong and right path. As well as, your responsibilities in your life increase so due to this reason, you may feel increase in your burden and you will manage less time to give your entertainment life.


While on the other hand, preferences of your Joy changes as you grow older because in very early age you you feel happiness in playing and in little activities but when you get mature then you feel actually happiness and joy after your achievements and this is the most true one.

Right now, what are you feeling? What is the emotion that prevails in you?

Currently, as I am a student and it has been some months I have joined university and for that there was year system but now there is semester system that's why now a days there is a feeling of uncertainty and mismanagement in my life.


Even I am unable to manage proper time and make proper schedule for my study and for other activities like blogging, trading, sports, or so. So, you can say I am just trying to manage myself now a days, in this feel of imbalance of life.

Have you ever repressed your emotions?

Sometimes, it happen!!

Not every time I hide my emotions that I am feeling but sometimes situations come in life when you have to hide yourself from society for your own betterment because there is something and we call it privacy and this is really important in everyone's life.


Most of the time if I feel stress and sadness then I always try to hide it from my frienda circle or from any person of society because many time you need to keep yourself quite and alone for feeling calmness and relaxment in life. This is so because not everytime, everyone console with you heartily and not everytime, everyone is here for you for sincere advice so it's much better to let that situation heal own its own.

What emotion from "Inside out" or "Intensely" in Latin do you think characterizes 3 members of the Cotina Team?

Emotions are really expressions of a person that what and how a person feels so I would really love to tell about some of emotions about some latina community team members according to my judgement, I could be wrong as I've interacted with them very rarely.

@vivigibelis - Joy 😊 (Quite friendly and mindful while making discussions on any important matter)

@alejose7ven - Anger 😒 (Quite straightforward while expressing his thoughts in front of others and while distinguishing from right to wrong)

@karianaporras - Twinkle 🤩 (Quite jubilant in her personality)

I would like to invite my friends @kouba01, @irawandedy and @malikusman1 to be a part of this amazing contest.

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Thank you 😊

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 3 months ago 

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @scilwa, which is a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community. We can also be found on our hive community & peakd as well as on my Discord Server

Manually curated by @ abiga554

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

 3 months ago 

La curiosidad es una emoción, que en algún momento desarrollamos, cuando deseamos descubrir o conocer algo que genere nuestro interés.

Comparto la misma opinión, con respecto a los amigos de Cotina, cada emoción lo describe muy bien.

Thank you so much for your beautiful comment dear friend 😊

Curiosity drive you through in life. It seems it one of the motivation that imperil you to act. Have we grow older our joy at time reduce due to a lot of responsibilities. And as we excel through all this... Happiness takes over our heart. May you be curious about doing credible things.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Ameen, thank you.

 3 months ago 

Saludos amigo
La curiosidad es una emoción que está presente en nosotros desde que somos niños pero está cada día se va aumentando

Yeah, rightly said. Thanks

 3 months ago 

Saludos amigo

Es la segunda participación en la que Leo que desean que la curiosidad domine sus mentes, Y eso está muy bien la verdad es que creo que sería muy bueno Que todos tuviéramos el mismo deseo y que así se cumpliera porque aprenderíamos muchísimo y el conocimiento es poder.

Siempre los cambios nos generan ansiedad e incertidumbre, pero estamos programados para acostumbrarnos a ellos y sé que lo lograrás y todo estará bien en tu carrera universitaria.

Te deseo buena suerte

Yeah, thanks a lot for your beautiful comment

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