It's a pleasure for me

in Comunidad Latina2 months ago


Good evening steemians
. Engaging in activities that gives us pleasure is very important in other to keep us happy and calm at all times. Currently I do different things that gives me pleasure. There are different kinds of humans in this planet who does different things that gives them pleasure alot, some engage in sporting activities, some educational activities, hobbies if different types and so many activities.

Playing Basketball

Basketball is my third favorite sport, I really enjoy this sport alot because is very technical and nice. I derive maximum pleasure each time I play with my friends in the streets, we have only one net but we don't care because we believe we will have another net and a better one either, very soon. I admire alot of NBA players at international level and I wish I can be like them someday.


I just need to work very hard at all cost and always focus. The sport was mostly meant for people who are very tall but these days if you can jump very high and have alot of skills and speed then you can play basketball anywhere around the world. Luckily for I can jump very high, I just need to finish all my exams so that I can buy my own basketball and begin intensive practice.

Planting Crops

Planting has benefitted our environment so much and it has made the atmosphere serene, I derive alot of pleasure each time I plant, most especially when I see my crops growing richly and fast. Each time I see a steemit contest about planting, I always try my best to participate and sometimes I normally win the contest.


My father plants alot and I have learnt alot from him in the field of planting. We enjoy planting in the wet season than dey season because our crops grows faster and fresh. You need to begin to start planting if you are not because it helps alot. I remember when my father and I planted alot of yam two years ago and we ate yam alot that period, we even had to sell some of them to our neighbors at a cheaper price.

Working Out

I enjoy engaging myself in workout activities because I don't joke with my body at all and I always want to be physically fit, as a guy aspiring to be part of the NBA, I need to develop the habit of working out at least three times a week. I remember when I was in high school, during break period my male classmates and I will begin to do push-ups and sit-ups challenge.


Is always a very wonderful moment and I see those days as expensive memories, till today those my classmates and I are still physically fit and some of us play basketball together in the streets. I do my workout activities in the sitting room almost everyday before 6am and I derive alot of pleasure from it because it makes me grow stronger.

I invite @wakeupkitty.pal, @chant, @patjewell and @josepha to participate in this contest.

All Images legally belongs to me!



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

I love playing basketball game, but it has really been long that I played basketball. Indeed, I know you are doing well as a basketballer. Tha Thanks for the invite for I have already participated. Good luck.

Oh wow you also love playing basketball, that's interesting sir, the game is a very expensive one I admire alot.

Ok I never knew you have participated, I will try to check your entry.

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Curated by : @artist1111

Thanks alot sir


Hello brother, basket ball is also one of my favourite game but I actually play it one's in a while I can see how fun and interesting the ball goes, I can also see the beautiful plant's in which your father also take out time to plant I must also consider your father as an hardworking man what a great job, work out is also one of the best activities I'm which someone don't need to joke with meanwhile it normally build up the body and makes it stronger you're really a hard working guy from the way I'm looking at you I can see your best activities in which you always engage in thanks one's again for sharing your best hobby with us I wish you all the best on your contest challenge.
Best regards 😊

Hello saintkelvin ,
It is nice to see you and i feel its been a long time since we complimented ewch other .
Basketball is a very good game. Generally girls are crazy about boys who play it. It's funny isn't it. Boys also grow taller a lot if they keep playing basketball since childhood. Because it helps in increasing height other than this I like it a lot. But I don't play basketball much because I don't know it that much and I want to learn it but there is no one to teach me that. Also I don't go out of the house much. That's why I don't learn it but I have thought I will learn it because I like it a lot. Your post was very beautiful and I liked reading it. You do planting with your father and learn from him. It is very inspiring with the workouts etc.
Thank you

Greetings dear, happy to see your comment on my post again. Basketball is an incredible game of 5 players with different roles in the court, I have always admire basketball players alot and I want to be better than them in the future.

Maybe when you grow older abit you will get the opportunity to be going out and you will be able to learn basketball.

Planting is fun and am glad I know how to plant.

Is there no basketball court in your school?

Hello dear @saintkelvin17!

Playing basketball with just one net and still enjoying it shows your passion and determination. Keep pushing you are bound for great heights.

I see a steemit contest about planting, I always try my best to participate and sometimes I normally win the contest

I have seen your various contest about planting. Its show your interest in gardening. Good luck to you for the contest

Yh thanks for commenting, very soon we will get two better nets by the grace of God.

I liked to play basketball too. You wear slippers if you play and jump? One basket is enough if you are fast and it keeps alert if you need to change.
You said it's your thrid sport but it sounds more like it's your first. I wonder what the price of a badketball is. 🤔
It indeed is smart to workout, run, jump so you are fit at the time you sign that contract.

Good luck to you! I'll see what the contest is about.


Basketball is very amazing, am surprised you like the sport as well. Yes is my third best sport.


I derive joy in winning a fight 🙂😊 and I enjoy running alot, most especially when I was in junior high school, I was the third fastest runner in the entire school.

Basketball is worth 50 steem currently. Thanks for commenting.

With us basketball is a sport taught at school just like handball, rugby (slagbal/honkbal), volleyball, badminton.

Running is not my kind of if sport. Cool you are that fast!

You do normal boxing or kickboxing?

Take good care of your health!


One thing I admire most about you is your strength and your activeness As a young guy. Because this days a lot of Yong guys like you doesn't like working. They prefer to do big boys no money for pocket.

I know plenty of boys like push-ups and sit-ups challenge. Even my little son likes playing that with his junior brother.

So I'm not surprised to hear you say

" during break period my male classmates and I will begin to do push-ups and sit-ups challenge."

Thanks for the comment 😍🫣, I really appreciate.

So I'm not surprised to hear you say


That's what we love doing and one of our class boy will just hiss and pass 😂.

Hahaha that's sounds funny.

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