Sec -s 20w 3 -obra creative - de - un - nino)


Hello Every one,

Wel come to my belog,how are you all.I am@roohiasif99 from Pakistan.I hope you fine too.I am also fit and fabulous.Today I am participating This wonderful home assistant task.sec -s20 w 3 -obra creative -d e -un -nino) and this contest organized by@anailuj 1992 .and I am thankful to Latin community to giving me a chance to bring my abilites.basically this is kids creativity .And now my child are also involved in this activity.There should be different types of activities for children to keep their heart and mind open. physically and mentally both the activities is very necessary for children.I will use two empty bottles and make a multi-purpose box. out of it.The method is very easy and my daughter was very happy to make it.First of all I will tell you about my daughter who is Eight years old and her name is zara.she is very cute.she is fond of craft work and drawing .she helped me in craft work.

Let's move towards and starts.

Things we need

Two Waste bottles
Computer paper
Gum stick
Glitter sheet


Multi purpose waste bottle//making make up box and make pencil holder at home.


I took two big waste bottles of 250 grams and cut them .After heating the knife on the swing, I cut it into about 10 inch pieces.I have thrown away the rest of the upper part.



Then me and my daughter together took pink color computer paper its size was small and attached another piece to it with gum.then she paste it in bottle.Sam took the green color computer paper from the same method and pasted it on the second bottle.



My daughter cut the glitter sheet in two inch and paste the both the bottles.then we have started doctorate the bottles.



In the center part of pink bottle I paste light purple computer paper .I have cut one inch computer paper and pasted it in a round shape on center of the bottle then I cut the flower of glitter sheet and paste it in light purple strips.the I am using dark pink gum tap using for decoration in bottle.



Now it's time to decorate the second bottle.Also on the yellow computer I made a flower and cut it out and pasted it with gum on center of the bottle.I drew small leaves on the silver glitter sheet and cut it out and pasted it in the center of the bottle.then I have pasted the thin silver glitter sheet in bottom of bottle .


At the end of the creative work,tell us what craft you made and what use it has?

final presentation and how it is used ful for us.



Today I made waste bottle making pencil box and make up box.its multi purpose box.we can use in kitchen .We can put spoons and forks inside it more ever we can keep it in mobile .Important documents can also be rounded up.Artificial flowers can be placed inside it to decorate it.we can use as jewellery we called multi purpose box.

Asked the children what their favourite material was during the process and why?feel to tell us about the best moment they experiment while making this piece?

My daughter is very happy with this activity and she had a lot of fun.My daughter had a lot of fun doing the pasting.specially when we using glitter sheet.I had a lot of fun when I drew the flower on the glitter sheet and she pasted the flower on the bottle .She was watching very carefully how I was doing and trying to learn and understand.His interest in his work told me that she was having a lot of fun.My daughter learned what she enjoyed and what's more, all my hard work paid off.


So guys it's time to leave .I hope you like my belog and give me a valuable feed back.before I am going I would like my friends @suboohi @sualeha @kunwal.

Best regards,

Thanks for Reading

 5 months ago 

Saludos amiga.
Que linda manualidad creaste juntos a tu niña.
Trabajar juntas en equipo hace que aprenda una de la otra y pasan tiempo de calidad. Un hermoso organizador de lápices y colores.


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