Controlling anger

in Comunidad Latina13 days ago

Design by me, edited on Canva.

Anger is one of the toughest flaws that stuck human being in this world, this is because human being keep provoking a fellow human without realizing he or her mistakes. At times we try to overcome anger but because we're not perfect, imperfection has role over our soul and it makes it complicated to control anger, at times with a tough fight, we managed to control this flaw.

I'm so delighted to engage in this ongoing contest which is titled "controlling anger" and in this post, I'll use my busy schedule to share my perspective about controlling anger, I hope you guys will kindly journey with me.

Take a selfie simulating your angry face and show us.

Expressing my angry face.

I look ugly whenever I get angry, that's the reason I always try to control this flaw of mine. At times we get angry unexpectedly and when it happens, it's always complicated to control because we didn't expect, so it just occurred and we can't help.

Are you one of the people who gets angry easily?

No. I don't easily get angry but at times I'd get angry. You might wonder why I don't easily get angry but don't panic, it is because I don't easily get rid of anyone who got me angry; it takes times for me to forgive in whole heartedly though i might roll freely with the person.

Anger start to develop in my hormone when people threaten me, at this point i get upset and I become impatient or I lose my calmness. But mind you, it takes a whole lot of months before I get to this mood; the reason is, Is carefully select the kind of people in play with, the kind of people i walked with, these people despite the fact that they're not perfect, they tried their best to abide to our friendship rules.

I respect myself by staying in my own yard, I don't start conversation with strangers except you're my friend. I put my mind in happy things and do what I love doing like taking pictures, playing football when the chance presents itself. By this way, I don't expose myself to people who'll get me angry, this is how I managed to live my life without continuously or easily getting angry. This lifestyle cost.

What situations make you lose your calm and get in a bad mood?

Expressing my angry face.

Ignoring. I feel bad, angry and at the same time; worthless when people ignore me, infact this is the main reason I love to stay in my own yard and remain silent because I don't want to expose myself to silly people who can get me angry unexpectedly.

Consistently talking about something I did wrong. I feel bad when I wrong and my conscience will always disturb me, honestly appreciate when people see my wrong and caution me, but it hurt me and i get angry when people repeatedly talk about the thing i did wrong.

Injustice. This is another situation that trigger my calmness. I can confidently spell that everyone get angry when they get robbed by people, squeezing my justice and judging me without getting the right awareness will change my moon to bad, sometimes I cry in my heart.

Bullying. When I talk about bully, I mean word bullying. This type of bullying is very easy to trigger my calmness thereby providing me, it can lead to exchanging hate speech with anyone who trigger my peace. This is why I carefully select the people I called my friends.

Tell us the last reason that made you angry.

Injustice. I just mentioned injustice among the situation that changed my mood to bad and this question comes in. Talking of injustice, I've encountered this situation in several occasions in my place of work. Let me share the last one that happened with you guys.

I'm a staff in a pure water company know as merneke table water in my locality and we have water vendors who depend in us whenever they want to load waters in their distribution machine. In that day I was actually loading water to one of our vendors and it was time for putting repacking for him (this are waters that leak but the workers reselect the leakage away and tighten the good ones.)

The rules is "put 10 bags of repacking to everyone vendor" and I was trying to abide when the vendors hitted me in my chest, i mean a very serious hit and I felt thr pain, I didn't hit him back because my boss doesn't accept fight. Guess what guy's!! The vendor called my boss and boosted his head with all types of lie and when he arrived, he stood with the vendor.

Even when I forcedly tried to make a say, he didn't listen instead, he shouted at me. You know why?? because the vendor was the first person to called him on phone even before he arrived to the company. Sincerely I was hungry and even though I didn't cry out, i did in my soul.

Do you think getting angry is a bad or a negative thing?

To be angry isn't a bad thing, but how we handled it does. Let's review and judge this question with the Bible principle. Ephesians 4:26; says "Be wrathful, but do not sin; do not let the sun set while you are still angry" let's discuss this Bible accordingly

It's true that the Bible agree we should get angry but it strongly warn us not to allow the sun set while we're angry, it also warn us not to sin when getting angry. In my understanding the following sentences means...

Be wrathful.
We can be extremely angry the way we want, depending on what people did to us.

Don't sin.
It doesn't matter how deep or extremely angry we are, the Bible doesn't accept, agree us to sin because of anger.

Do not let the sun set while you are still angry.
This sentence seems confusable because of the way it is arranged but I can confidently say that it means "we shouldn't for any reason keep whatever that provoke or get us angry, we should forget and forgive before kingdom of God arrive".

After considering the Bible principle, I've come to my final answer with evidence that "to get angry isn't a bad thing but how we handled it does". If possibly we can live without getting angry, we should but if we can't eradicate it entirely, it's understandable but we shouldn't sin; when we sin, that's when our anger is bad or negative.

In conclusion, anger is a flaw that we all borned with since our childbirth and it is very complicated to overcome it. Injustice is one of the reasons people like me get angry though I'd manage to control it. We can be angry and it is understandable but we shouldn't for any reason sin, because God who is our creator will surely rewards us according to our cup of tea.

Hi @patjewell @goodybest and @saintkelvin17, it's my pleasure to invite y'all to this contest and I'll love to read all your entries.
Pictures are mine.


Best regards KIDI40

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Good morning bro, how are you doing today? Your post is really amazing and I must confess that all the pictures are amazing bro.

Is not easy to control our anger at all but I believe we always have that self-control that always keep us on guide.

I also hate it when people try to bully, that makes me furious alot because over here in Portharcourt I always have higher chances of being bullied because I always wear my medicated eyeglass and the guys see me as a weak person which isn't true at all.

I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge.

 13 days ago 

Anger is a terrible thing. It can eat us up from the inside.
As a previous business owner, I found it the most difficult thing to control when I had 26 members of staff. With so many, you will find yourself getting angry at some stage.

As you have said, anger is not our gateway to sin.
Let's just get up and walk away.

Best wishes for the contest, and thank you for the invitation.

It really true bro,To be angry isn't a bad thing, but how we handled it does. Let's review and judge this question with the Bible principle. Ephesians 4:26; says "Be wrathful, but do not sin; do not let the sun set while you are still angry". the bible portion suit the contest bro.

Oh I appreciate the fact that you didn't retaliate in your place of work most times humans are very difficult to work with and in that case you walk away then try as much as possible to erase the scene in your mind.

God's word is always of help to control anger and I'm happy you do apply them.

Wishing you success

Thanks for the comments of yours, you're actually right in your perspective, human being isn't a joke to play with, the good thing is to work away when the offense is. Just like you said, God's word is always here for us. Thank for reading and adding value to my post.🤗

 11 days ago 

We support quality posts and good comments Published in any community and any tag.
Curated by : @eliany

Thank you @eliany for the support, I really appreciate your effort.🤗🤗

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