in Comunidad Latina4 years ago (edited)


Hello dear readers.

Today I want to address a very special topic that I hope will help you.

Release to Heal

Definitely a task that life demands of us from time to time and without warning. We dare to let go only when we reach a point of sanity with ourselves, when our life is in balance.
Release or let go, when you make decisions that long ago, you thought were impossible. detach yourself from situations that cause you discomfort, visit places that rob you of peace, stay away from toxic and negative people. Release to advance.


Let go ... let go to get the poisoning out of you. Letting go of what doesn't motivate you, letting go of what stagnates and depresses you. Let go of everything, absolutely everything that does not allow you to move forward. What anchors you.
Super difficult! ... Thousands of fears appear! ... Questions begin to arise! ... But fear appears only because of not knowing what is going to happen, because of that natural reaction of fearing the unknown.

That is why I invite you to do this exercise daily: look in the mirror and repeat who you are, what you want, where you want to go. Also repeat your strengths so that you never forget what you are capable of.

Moving forward ... we do it when we let go without fear, when we do it from our guts. And sometimes that process of letting go makes you leave behind marriages, relationships, jobs, friendships, subjugations that in the end only turned off your life. But, read this, life is an extreme sport, and even if we believe that we are living the best of it, we will not always know what paths destiny will impose on us. But, don't worry, fear nothing or anyone, trust, have self-esteem, and, above all, be honest with yourself.


Believe in yourself.

Take your time and do a comprehensive analysis of the emotions that are affecting you to see what is the cause of them, and thus realize what you are holding on to.
I invite you to do a second exercise: imagine that you let go of what you are clinging to, a dimension such that it fits in a helium balloon, you insert it in it, tie a knot and let it go, and seeing how it moves away towards the sky, while you say goodbye with a smile, feeling at ease and at peace. How did that feel?


And why not really do it, write down on paper everything you want to let go of, tying it to a balloon and letting it go, letting it go, and thereby really stripping yourself of what you don't need in your life.

To learn to live in the present, you have to let go of the past, focus on today and fix your attention on everything you do in each moment to have a positive life. Keep in mind that each minute is unique and unrepeatable, so it is essential to live it fully and not lose it by overwhelming ourselves with what has already happened or what we cannot have.
To let go of any loss, it is vital to close the circle and create grief, living and managing, properly the emotions related to it, and healing our wounds, as well as mixing the erroneous convictions that make us suffer.

To let go of any situation, person or thing in general, it is important to find out what secondary gains we get from staying in that position, and what wrong beliefs and thoughts we have about it. Once we discover them, we can make the necessary changes.

In conclusion, when we are faced with situations that promise a change and that generate annoyance or fear, forcing us to leave our comfort zone, two paths appear that we can take, the first one would be to unfold and flow with change and let things pass, or, failing that, take the second choice and get stuck in a situation that has already expired and that leaves us stuck.

The first choice means letting go and letting go, moving forward, allowing us to experience new things, receive blessings, improve our situation, surround ourselves with people who motivate us, and change for the better. But if we choose the second option, it leads us to refuse and resist and with that the only thing that awaits us are difficulties, annoyances, anger and much suffering.

We must learn to close the cycles of our life. So what would be your choice?
I hope once again my content has helped you. I can't say goodbye without first thanking you for taking the time and reading my posts and for supporting me.
Have a great and blessed start to the week.

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 4 years ago 

Saludos, vengo a invitarte a que retomes las publicaciones en tu blog. Si deseas tener una idea sobre ¿qué publicar?, puedes entrar a estas dos publicaciones para que conozcas sobre el proyecto Better Life y el inicio de la tercera temporada de The Diary Game

El equipo de CR de Venezuela: @ mariita52, @ anasuleidy, @ adeljose, @ edili24, @ inspiración, @ albenis, @ wilmer1988 y yo (@tocho2), estamos para apoyarte.

Recuerda visitar otras publicaciones, comienza a seguir otros blogs, vota y comenta a tus compañeros, cada visita es un nuevo amigo y cada voto trae su recompensa.

 3 years ago 

Hola amiga!!
Soy @anasuleidy y pertenezco al equipo de Representantes de Venezuela, es para mi un gusto visitarte y saludar, siendo oportuno resaltar que en mis visitas a tu blog, he evidenciado que te encuentras inactiva, teniendo mucho tiempo sin realizar publicaciones inclusive. Es por ello que te invito a reincorporarte y activarte en la plataforma, las cosas han cambiado mucho por aquí y seria genial volver a contar contigo.
Todos estaremos atento y a la espera de tu regreso.

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