El frío de tu ausencia Poesia Original @Aye2001 (ESP-ENG)

Image from Pixabay
Photo by Renan_Brun on Pixabay.


El frío de tu ausencia me hiela el corazón,
como un viento glacial que imparablemente sopla,
y en mi alma se alza una triste melodía,
que clama por su amor y su cálido mirar.

Image from Pixabay
Photo by DanielHannah on Pixabay.

En el universo inmenso, vasto y sin fin,
me siento tan pequeño y solo,
como un grano de arena en el mar,
que el oleaje arrastra sin ningún destino fijo.

Image from Pixabay
Photo by Jordan_Singh on Pixabay.

Sin embargo aunque el mundo parezca tan frío y cruel,
y mi alma se sienta sola y abandonada,
sé que tu amor es mi luz, mi sol y mi dulce miel,
que en tus brazos encontraré mi anhelada paz.

Image from Pixabay
Photo by adonyig on Pixabay.

Así que aunque el frío de tu ausencia me lastime,
y el universo parezca tan inmenso y hostil en mi contra,
sé que tu amor siempre estará presente,
para calentar mi corazón y hacerme sentir feliz,
en mis momentos de inmensa soledad.

Muchas gracias por tu lectura, se despide tu amigo @aye2001.

English Version

Image from Pixabay
Photo by Renan_Brun on Pixabay.


The cold of your absence freezes my heart,
like a glacial wind that blows relentlessly,
and in my soul a sad melody rises,
that cries for its love and its warm gaze.

Image from Pixabay
Photo by DanielHannah on Pixabay.

In the immense, vast and endless universe,
I feel so small and alone,
like a grain of sand in the sea,
that the waves drag without any fixed destination.

Image from Pixabay
Photo by Jordan_Singh on Pixabay.

However, even though the world may seem so cold and cruel,
and my soul feels alone and abandoned,
I know that your love is my light, my sun and my sweet honey,
that in your arms I will find my longed-for peace.

Image from Pixabay
Photo by adonyig on Pixabay.

So even though the cold of your absence hurts me,
and the universe seems so immense and hostile against me,
I know that your love will always be present,
to warm my heart and make me feel happy,
in my moments of immense loneliness.

Thank you very much for your reading, your friend @aye2001 bids you farewell.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.


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