Never Make Experience Be Your Best Teacher

Never make experience be your best teacher

It is commonly said that experience is the best teacher but that statement or adage should be discarded. Even tho through experience we get wiser but we should not let it be our teacher cause most times, the lessons are hard to bear.


Being hospitalized for days made me understand that experience is not the best teacher . Going through a lot in the hands of doctors, nurses and fellow patient. At some point I begin to question myself how on earth did I get myself to this point. Due to the fact that general hospital are on strike , it gave rise to the frequent patronage of people trolling out in multitude from private hospital. This led to increase in everything.


My main point is I got involved in some unpleasant stuffs and it backfired and cut up with me which made me spend days trolling in and out of the hospital. It got to a point I told myself you could have avoided these but you choose to be stubborn, Now you've gained and seen the experience and the lesson were learnt the hard ways. The lesson were truly hard cause I learnt:
never think people care so much about you the way you do for them. Throughout my stay at the hospital only few people visited me.
Never limit yourself. Despite being in the hospital and being in bad moods I kept writing till my strength couldn't carry me. During those period I felt the real pain of being a writer. Many times I would want to let my frustration out and write things that if someone else read might lose hope but in the midst of it I would maintain my sanity and dish out valuable contents. So never limit yourself due to any circumstances.


Losing a vital part of me. I lost a part of me that can't be replaced due to carelessness and I have to leave with the guilt. It hurts when I see others with theirs. Coming out of the hospital ,I saw someone with what I lost and I bursted into tears again.

This month has been rough cause I spent it most in hospital but am grateful i am too should be grateful

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