in SteemWomen Club2 years ago



Hi beautiful ladies, i am so delighted to be make a post in this wonderful community. As a woman, we are uniquely and wonderfully created hence its very expedient we learn how to simplify our sweet lives. life is too short for us not to enjoy.

In this article i will like to share with us on how we can live a very simple and yet an enjoyable life . They may be things we are familiar with or not too familiar with. whatever be the case , i will like us to not only read this post but also implement some of the things i will be sharing with us. Steemit is life transforming , if only we can imbibe and act on the knowledge we get from it .

10 ways we can live a very simple and enjoyable life

Life in general is very simple but people, circumstances and our environment sometimes tend to make us believe that life is complicated.

There so many ways we can live a very simple life, but i will limit it to only 10, maybe subsequently i will add more to it.


  1. LEARN TO SAY NO : They easiest thing to say is yes, but it takes a brave heart to actually say no.
    Human being generally don't like the word No. They will put you on their good book when you say yes to them but the moment you say no , you become an enemy. saying yes to everyone makes us people pleasers which can make life more complicated . i know we all want to be accepted and also seen as a good fellow but the truth is that we cannot please everybody ; we have right to live our own lives too .
    That does not mean we should not go out of our way to make people happy, but we must not do that at our own expense and end up living a frustrated life.
    people generally are happy with you when they can control you. Refusing to be controlled by people is healthy and it builds a great relationship that is fair.
    please do not let your mouth say yes out of fear of rejection when your heart says no.

  2. PLEASE DON'T MAKE MOUNTAIN OUT OF MOLEHILLS : Don't let little things get to you and upset you so much . we don't need to make a big deal out of things we could just easily ignore. Although there are so many opportunities each day to become upset about something, but we need to choose to let them go and maintain our peace.
    Locate those things that upset you and make a decision to let go of those little ones that don't really make any difference.
    How people get divorce over little things they have stored in their heart for a long time which eventually became a mountain. Don't keep account of all the things people did to you that hurt or offended you.
    Don't be easily offended, otherwise you will be the one that suffer the most.
    Often time when someone offends us, it is never their goal to do so. Let this be your mindset and you see how simple your life will be . instead of receiving offence and hurts , let your heart be fully ready to forgive people.

  3. AVOID DOING THINGS IN EXCESS: If want a simple life, then we must learn to life a balanced life. Doing things in excess causes a lot of problem. Excessive talking, excessive eating, excessive debt, excess weight all of these cause problem .
    say no to excess and yes to simplicity.

  4. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS: when we have to express our opinion about almost everything and everyone is a sign of pride and this always leads to relationship problems.
    we have our own business to take care of , hence its not necessary to worry ourselves about what others are doing.
    Always remind yourself that it is none of your business. This will help you stay on track with your attitude.
    Logically speaking, it doesn't make sense having an opinion about something we have nothing to do with.
    Make a decision to mind your business and forget about other people's own. you will be amazed at how happier you will be.

  5. BE YOURSELF: Don't try to be like other people. Don't try to act like them , eat like them or even look like them . it is very complicated trying to be someone else and there is absolutely nothing programmed in us that will help us understand how to do that. Hence, being ourselves is much easier .
    Please don't compare or compete with anyone or anything else, because you are very unique in your own way. You don't have to be like anyone or be better anyone.
    Just be the best you can be. we can look at others as example to work harder in various areas of our behaviour but we should not allow them to be our standard.
    i know sometimes we feel bad about who we are, but it is not enough a reason to create a fake personality . Just learn how you can relax with others and still be yourself.
    if you learn to accept and like you for who you are, you will have less rejection and more acceptance.

  6. STAY AWAY FROM PROCASTINATION: Planning is good but action is better. simplify your life by making a decision to be a now person who never procrastinates.
    Never put off until tomorrow what can be accomplished today. If you are facing a lot of unfinished projects or tasks you have put off way too long, don't get stressed out , take them one at a time and simply keep at it until you are done.

  7. DON'T BE WORRIED ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE THINK: Being so concerned about what people think, opens doors for torments in our lives. In as much as we all enjoy being well thought of, but it is still not possible to be liked by everyone.
    The truth remains that someone will think negative about you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.
    on the other hand, sometimes we worry about what people think and the truth is, they are not thinking about us at all. Stop trying to convince people of you good intentions and let them think what they want to think. Only live your live to please God and if people are not satisfied , then they will have to take it up with God.

  8. AVOID TOO MUCH REASONING: Your mind has to be simple if your life is going to be simple. stop analyzing and fretting over things you should not. Constantly revolving your mind around every issue , trying to come up with an answer is certainly not simple. your will definitely feel mentally worn out. Break the addiction of trying to figure things out and learn to trust God.

  9. KEEP SIMPLE FRIENDS:The people we keep around us affects us. If we truly want a more simple life then we should have simple people as close friends. if you surround yourself with people who are very intense and always stressed out, they get you stressed. But if you surround yourself with peaceful people , it helps you remain peaceful too. You can drastically change the quality of your life by changing who you spend time with.

  10. BE EASY TO GET ALONG WITH: It is impossible to enjoy a simple life unless you are easy to get along with. when people do their best, compliment them instead of finding the one thing they did not do according to your specification. many things can just be let go of . Most of us wish people generally were easier to get along with but have we considered how we respond too. For instance, how do we respond when we don't get our way? do we get hurt easily or do we see it as nothing? How do we handle correction? do we have a certain way we want things done, and if it is not done that way , we will let everyone know we are not happy? This kind of attitude complicates our lives because you will spend alot of your time getting upset. To enjoy a simple life, you have to be easy to get along with.

Life is so simple , when we take a simple approach to it. make up your made that you will live a simple and a peaceful life.
Remember! Life is too short to live a complicated one.

Thanks for stopping by
God bless you


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