in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone, trust you are all doing great? I. So excited to share my exploration of our 71 plots of land which has been proposed for palm plantation, my visit to my lade dad's rice farm land and then how I swam in my village river known as Igwu. It was such an existing moment for me. Hope it will be to you too as you read to the end.


Recall that I had travelled to my village, Ndi Ebe Abam in Arochukwu Local Government Area here in Abia state since 28th of December. My village is close to Ozu Abam. The village has large space of land that makes them to practice farm rotation. Some are rotated for close to 7 to 8 years before farming on it again.

My family had purchased 71 plots of land which is measured 100 by 50 square meters each. It is a proposed palm plantation but since it was bought, we have not done anything on it. So now, work is about to begin there and the thich forest is being cleared. On this faithful day, I and my elder brother decided to visit to see the extent the worker have gone clearing the bushes.

When I woke up in the morning, I just brushed my teeth and got ready to leave along with my elder brother who had come back from Lagos state. I had signed him up here in steemit and his username is @chichi1979, he wrote his achievement 1 and 2 and since then, had not posted again. But I have encouraged him to invest of which he is seriously considering it.

We went to the farm with our relative who is overseeing the work on a bike.

This is me and my elder brother, strolling down to join bike at the village square

This is my relative or uncle that took us to the farm, he is set to go as you can see

At the village square, villagers fetching water from a borehole that a good citizen dog for them

I and the biker who took me to the farm while my brother and uncle joined a different bike

At the farm, we toured round the adges of the farm especially where they have cleared. The farm ended in a river we call Ogbele. It made the farm land to be more good for the palm plantation. As we toured round, I saw a spoil in the name of Parm fruit in palm which has ripened. It was my lucky charm. My uncle helped me to cut it down and I used my cap to pack them as you can see in the pictures below along with the pictures I took in other locations of the farm and in the river. See them below 👇👇👇


This is a video of me in the farm river

The area that remains to be cleared is not much anymore. When they are done, they will then cut the bid trees and set the farm land on fire. By may or June, the palm will be planted when rain must have fallen.

The video I took while still in the farm


From there, I went to my father's rice farm land. I went alone with the bike man because my brother was already tired and me, I was determined to go visited there because it has been ages.

I took pictures of my late father's rice farm sign board with his farm name on it which is AKARAKA FARM. The sign board is already old but it is still standing.


It took me some time to view the land but I later went home after exploring all that I wanted to explore. It was fun and fulfilling. I was so glad being able to see those places after a very long time, close to 30 years now.

My video at the rice farm


Our village is surrounded by rivers. There is just no way you will go in and out without crossing river. We have about 3 exit routes. One leads to Abiriba, the other leads to The next Village in Abam known as Amuru Abam when the famous route leads to the major road where we mostly take known as Ndi Ojiaku village.

The river that will be crossed while taking the major road is known as Igwu river,here most people go to swim and as well fetch water for drinking.

When I went home from the farm, my kids and nieces where not home and when I called, they said they went to that river. I waited for a while but my mind wasn't at rest. I decided to go meet them there.

I saw them swimming, wow 😲😲😲😲. Other kids were there too. I beckoned on them to come out let's go home but they seemed to love the river so much. They pleaded for more time. Looking right, I saw palm oil mill and the extractors there. One of the workers is my step brother. So I went close with @madilyn02 and take some pictures


Going back to the river, the kids came out and beckoned on me to join them to swim. They won. I went it and joined them as you can see in the pictures below 👇👇


We later went back home and I freshened up. Then we were visited by my cuisine who just came in from Lagos that day. We were very happy to have him. After entertaining him, I, my brother and my cuisine went out to the village square and to my father's house to see my step mother's, brothers and sisters. We met them and they were preparing for a traditional marriage of my niece, that is my step sister's daughter which will take place the next day.

From there, we went to the field close to my father's house to watch football game by some kids there.

This is me, my cuisine and my brother on our way to the village square

This the field and those playing football.

We later visited few other person's before going back home.


What a beautiful day this was. Being able to visit our proposed palm plantation, my Late father's rice farm land, Igwu river and then to the field gave me that joy I had longed for since close to 20years. I believe you too have found great joy reading my diary and watching the videos? Thank you all for reading through. See you in my next diary. A lot other events took place which I will soon share with you all.

Cc: @steemwomensclub
Cc: @svm038

Best regards from me
@ngoenyi, African representative.


This is my introductorypost here

image source


Thank you and @madilyn02 for sharing your visit to your home village. It is like going on a brief summer vacation.

 3 years ago 

Yes sir @dwarrllow2002. It is purely a vacation. I enjoyed it. Thank you for stopping by

 3 years ago 

I can imagine the feeling of been at the rice farm and as for the village stream, it is usually refreshing to the body. I believe the holidays were well spent? Kudos to you ma @ngoenyi

 3 years ago 

I appreciate your comment dear

Really a very nice dairy from you, keep it up

 3 years ago 

Thank you

para ti.

Señor, tú conoces mi situación y
lo que más necesito; fortalece mi
corazón y dame tu sabiduría para
tomar buenas decisiones; no dejes
que los comentarios negativos me
destruyan y llévate de mi vida toda
preocupación; bendice en este dia
mi hogar, mi salud y mis anhelos
gracias por tu fidelidad. Amén.

Good day ma thank you fir sharing your entry with us........!
Village river sometimes is cool to swim in.

 3 years ago 

Yea, very cool

 3 years ago 

There are a lot of beautiful sites to behold in the village. Your diary was so long and interesting which made me stay to the end.

Thank you for sharing your diary with us.

Am surely waiting for the next edition.

 3 years ago 

Hahaha, thank you for reading through. I am glad that you enjoyed reading it. I will surely share another interesting part that I enjoyed in the village

 3 years ago 

Ok ma

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