in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

Greetings beautiful and great women of steemwomen club.. it's a pleasure to Share with you a common feeling which many women has about being pregnant . Although I am single, but I have been opportuned to stay close to many pregnant women including my eldest sister...I see other women display different attitude when pregnant,, but my sister's own baffled me most because we are fond of each other... whenever she gets pregnant, she acts differently.i was inquisitive and couldn't fathom the reasons behind those actions until I went for a research towards that...it happened to be an eye opener to me when I found out she's not alone in that..
Pregnancy can be hard, but when you hate being pregnant,it definitely comes with it's own unique set of challenges,so let's talk about it....


WHY IT'S OKAY TO HATE BEING PREGNANT:if you hate being pregnant, just know that you are not alone.many pregnant people struggle with the challenges that being pregnant can bring..they include;
1; Physical aspects: this one is the most obvious but it's nothing to dismiss.the Physical aspects of pregnancy from the first trimester i.e, first to third months of pregnancy, and it's discomfort affects differently.some people sail through pregnancy with nary a swollen ankle, but then others get swollen everywhere and needs ten minutes pep talk before they can even attempt rolling over in bed.during my sister's first pregnancy, she would cry when it's bedtime because she knew it was another long night of sleeping and trying to get comfortable... physical aspects of pregnancy are no jokes.for some people, suddenly sharing their body comes with unexpected emotional effects.. weight gaining,a changing shape and the notion that you no longer belong entirely to yourself....


2: YOU HAVE HAD A PRIOR LOSS: most women who have lost a baby during or after birth, gets afraid of being pregnant, not because they don't wish to be mother, but they are afraid of loosing another baby...I think pregnancy after a loss is such a fearful time any woman can't afford to withstand

3: YOU DON'T EXACTLY PLAN THIS PREGNANCY; it's frustrating when morning sickness hits and your clothes don't fit again at a time in your life that feels most inopportune.even a planned,desired pregnancy is a big emotional shift,,I think unplanned pregnancy can bring major feelings...yes, you are allowed to feel all the feels.you are human, even if you are growing a human, and it doesn't make you any less of a person.
4: YOU JUST DON'T LIKE IT; you don't need any specific reason to dislike pregnancy.. some people just don't enjoy the experience of pregnancy and it's as simple as that...
Then, what can you do if you hate being pregnant??
If you are Among the league that hates being pregnant,I have a good new of what and how to go about it...


1: Find Yourself Another Miserable Pregnant Person; when you realize that you are not alone,it can be incredibly helpful.i wasn't able to cheer my sister, not because I can't, but we are not on same shoes..if you feel like you are surrounded by Happy, glowing Pregnant people, find yourself a Pregnant Person who is miserable, because I assure you, you are not alone for they are out there ....

2: Remind Yourself That Hating Pregnancy doesn't equal being a bad parent; hating Pregnancy doesn't mean you hate being a parent or that you will somehow love your baby any less.it also doesn't mean you are not grateful to be pregnant or that you don't love your kids .. it just means you don't love being pregnant.love of children and love for Pregnancy are not correlated...

3: Realize you can still be grateful for being pregnant and still hate being pregnant:this is applicable to people that have either had miscarriage or on the long run,were unable to conceive for sometime and later did,yet they don't love the feelings...the Joy is that you have the opportunity to put to bed again, but on the contrary, you hate the feelings...there are no rules here, so don't get caught up in thinking you should feel a certain way.you are allowed to have conflicting feelings all at once...
4: Get Maternity photos taken: No matter how miserable you feel while pregnant, one day you will look back on those photos and realize what a beautiful journey parenting and Pregnancy was... you don't keep the pictures because you look beautiful or to admire how well the photographer disguised your double chin, but it will remind you that you made it despite all odds.....


I think I have to drop my pen here ...but Know it that,, you are not alone when you don't like being pregnant... cheers to all Pregnant women and best wishes to all awaiting mothers...
Thanks for reading 😊😊
From Mmesoma's desk✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️

All images of Pregnant women were sourced from pixabay as I lost my sister's Pregnant pictures when my phone got flashed...........

 3 years ago 

Wow! Amazing write-up.
Pregnant women can be dramatic and by God's grace I've lived with about 6 different pregnant women with their unique characters and I was never angry at their mood swings because I know who they were very well before the journey.
Hopefully, I will experience pregnancy someday.
Well-done ma'am

 3 years ago 

Pregnancy can be quite challenging and the fact that it differs by individuals is really a mystery. I have seen women who go through their pregnancy period just normal without issues. Some didn't even go through labour pains.
Thank you for bringing this up @mmesoma

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