What do you do to Improve Yourself as a Woman?

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)

I am grateful to @event-horizon for starting this contest in our Steem women club community. It is such a good thing to always want to improve ourselves. I take this chance to share with you how I want to improve myself as a woman of God. In other words, even though I still have alot to improve on in other areas such as intellectual, physical, and emotional, I would like to focus on the spiritual awakening unto my spirit.


I have always been a religious person. My family back home was rooted in spiritual welfare and I thank God for such an upbringing. I want however to grow stronger in faith and also strengthen my family, show an example to others and be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ means you follow His lead and example, in whatever He did.

How will I do this? Let me share a scripture I read today morning from James 1:22-24, and it says "22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:
24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was

What does this scripture mean? It means we have the opportunity to hear the message of God wherever we are, but we should always act or be doers of the written word. I would like to be a doer. I would like to show with my actions how I am improving in line with being a better disciple of Christ.

How will I improve?


  • I will read the scriptures on a daily. They say that if you make something that is usually uncomfortable for you a daily habbit, you will easily adapt to it. I will ready scriptures as many times a day as I can. They can easily be found online or on apps such as the gospel library. Instead of spending much time on social media, I will make more time for reading the word of God.

  • Praying daily. I will never underestimate the power of prayer because I know what it does to change me. I have been abit reluctant sometimes on praying everyday. At times I forget to pray unintentionally, but now I have decided I will take up my cross and move. This will help me stay in tune with the spirit.



  • Ministering or visiting my neighbors.


I think we all love it when our friends visit us and encourage us in our homes. When we pray for the sick and speak encouraging words to the afflicted. I will struggle to see that I work out a way to check on my fellow beings, so that I show them the love of Christ. Most times we think we are doing this for others, but instead we are doing this for our own spiritual welfare.

  • Lastly but not least, I intend to improve myself spiritually by going to church every Sunday. It is true that the COVID-19 pandemic has been stopping is from attending church, but now many people can join hundreds of other believers to attend church and take the sacrament. I will not miss a day of church so that I can improve my perspective of God. Congregating makes us have unity, testimony to uplift each other and feel the love of Christ.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I want to improve in every way that I can, but the bible says, "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and the rest shall follow". I am blessed to be apart of this contest. God bless you.


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