
You will take the weekly prize But why did you take such a low quality post?

Since it is your responsibility to find quality posts You are looking for quality posts by people. And you have no quality of your own 🙂.

 2 years ago 

I curated for 4 months and always voted my weekly bounty by writing quality posts. My father passed away in the 2nd week of August and I did not feel like writing a quality post that week.

Check out my account. You will see that everything I say is true. I'm sure you'll be ashamed of what you wrote.

You have a nice record as a community curator, and as a curator you should know that it is wrong to upvote on post with low quality.

Incase of any emotional occurrence, you can easily switch curation date with a member of your team.

 2 years ago 

We give ourselves a vote in exchange for weekly work. The reason it's poor quality is because it's my funeral. What an ignorant person you are.

In addition, team members vote for themselves. I don't remember there being a rule for this post.

 2 years ago 

The person who criticizes me has turned the power off. This is exactly why you didn't get votes. Constantly drawing your strength. I wish you would use your energy to strengthen your account instead of slandering people.

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