The Diary Game| Coconut milk and oil extraction|| 2nd August, 2021.

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)

Greetings dear friends of Steem women club community. I am so excited writing my Diary post here and I hope you enjoy it and have a few lessons to learn.


How have you been and how is your day going, I trust all is working out fine for you all.
Today I'll be sharing with us how I made my cold press (virgin) coconut oil.


Okay, my day started by 5AM after morning devotion with my family. I engaged myself in some household chores like washing our used plates, sweeping and cleaning. After the clean ups, I fixed breakfast of tea and bread and after eating I pleaded with my sister-in-law to assist me pluck some coconuts from the coconut tree in our compound.
Well, I know it's really gonna be tasky, but I'm gonna face it 'cause I have long wanted to make coconut milk and oil for my skin and hair.

Benefits of Coconut milk and oil

• Coconut milk serves as hair detangler when applied to a tangled hair.
• It also softens and shines hair.
• Coconut milk helps to make the immune system strong when added to food and eaten
• Coconut milk is good for weight loss
• Both Coconut milk and oil nourishes and moisturises the hair and skin
• Coconut milk and oil fights against skin and scalp dryness, thereby giving skin a radiant look.
• They also fight against skin wrinkles that could lead to aging.
•They serve as exfoliators
Coconut oil are carrier oil and can be used for all purposes.

Steps involved in extracting Coconut milk and oil.


So I went with my sister-in-law to pluck a few coconut from the tree and we got 5 pieces.


• The first thing I did was to remove the outter part of the coconut with a Cutlass.
It was quite tidious, but I had to do it. My sister-in-law also gave her assistance, because I couldn't peel it off all by myself.


She assisted for a while and went to the nearby market to buy some food stuffs. When she came back, she went inside to prepare dinner and I was left alone to finish the rest.



While I was removing the outer part of the coconut, the cutlass had a cut on me and I was injured.


• After peeling off the outer part, I broke the hard part, poured the coconut water into cups and refrigerated it (we drank it when chilled).

• I removed the fleshy part of the coconut from the hard shell and diced it into smaller units for easy blending.


• After that, I set up my blender, added a little water into it and poured the diced coconut into it and allowed it to blend.


have you tasted coconut paste before? Oh! The taste is out of this world 😊





• After blending, I placed my neat white sieve on a sizeable bowl and with spoon, I began to scoop some amount of the coconut paste into the sieve and after which, I squeezed it properly till all the liquid was out leaving behind the chaff.

I continued until I was done with the paste.

• I turned all the coconut juice into a steel pot, tightly covered it and I left it for 12hours under room temperature.


After this period of time, it fermented and the coconut oil separated from water.


So I placed it in the refrigerator and I'm gonna leave it there for another 8 hours (this is the 4th hour) and after that, I will bring it out and separate the frozen oil from the water and allow it to melt under room temperature.
This is how I extract my virgin coconut oil. I don't cook the oil on fire or apply any sort of heat. And the virgin coconut oil works better than the heated one.

I hope you enjoyed your ready?

Now tell me, considering the stress involved in extracting the virgin coconut oil, if I sell it at 6 STEEM per 200ml container, will it be worth it?

Please leave your comments/ contributions at the comment section of this post.

Thank you so much for reading.

Special regards

 3 years ago 

You didn't cook it? We normally used the dry coconut 🥥 to make oil though, yours is fresh do you have enough oil 🪔

 3 years ago 

Virgin coconut oil gives best results ma.

 3 years ago (edited)

It was really tidious. So sorry for your hurt.

Your skin will give you thanks in a short while.

 3 years ago 

Yes sure

 3 years ago 

Of course it's worth it dear, people even sell more...thank you for this useful information

 3 years ago 

Thank you dear @ammyy

Que bueno amiga. Extraer la leche de coco da un poquito de trabajo pero vale la pena.

Wow sorry for the cut

 3 years ago 

Thank you dear

Congratulation sis !!!
Your post has selected as a quality posts of the day. Be more active, Keep quality and and original.

We are waiting for your next post

 3 years ago 

I will do as you advised. Thank for you for your support

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