Honey production on the 09/02/20222 by @fuhevelinefusi

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)

Hello to the beautiful woman of steemwomenclub. I am @fuhevelinefusi and wished to share with us this evening our small experience as regarding honey production.
We the members of the above location plan saw a need to promote honey production because we come to realized that homeyis,


Rich in antioxidants. ...
Better for blood sugar levels than regular sugar. ...
May improve heart health. ...
Promotes burn and wound healing. ...
May help suppress coughing in children etc.


In this light I and shu Jennette Lum harmonize farmers regarding the production of honey with the following vision, mission and objectives.


Shu farms dreams of a society where the the continues consumption of sugar will be increasing the level of High Blood, Diabetes heart problems, cancer etc thus revamping death rate


Shu farms exist to unite famers ( men,s, women, youths of the Tuba district into a force that will provide concrete production of Honey to it members in view of using the honey to substitute sugar which will cure or reduce the level of high blood pressure, Diabetes, prevention of cerncer , heart disease etc thus decreasing death rate, increasing farmers income and empowering them to lead development initiatives in their communities


To upscale the delivery of relevant and more adapted services ( searching for ways of assistance the special
Needy children, honey production, agricultural production, environmental protection, gross pollination and the marketing techniques of the farmers of the Tuaba district.

The species of honey bee accuring in Africa is called . Apis melllifera. Honey bees are social insert that live in colonies of 100000 to 600000 bees. Colonies reproduce by swarming. This is when the queen and about half of the colony leave the nest in search of a new neasting place

Leaving behind the rest of the colony and a young queen, honey bee undergo a four stage metamorphosis, egg, larva pupa adult. During this development stage the young ones are know as the brood. Each bee develop inside the cell of the comb. The different types of adult bees are queen,
drones and workers

Bee farming in Africa. Often manage their hives with little or no protective clothing . Bees stings are unpleasant , if not frightening so the use of protecting clothes can give a begginner beekeepers confidence. A veil is the most important , gloves, footwear,
Shu Jennette Lum is the president of the group while me sitting beside her is the secretary.
My introduction

 3 years ago 

You had a wonderful day.

 3 years ago 

Wow!!! This is an interesting activity you are engaged in and not far from my area. Apicisiculture is one of the activities not so engaged by many farmers and it has a lot of value to us as consumers. Courage in your actions and I will surely visit your farm one day.

What is your distribution channel? I will like to have my own natural honey. Wishing you success in your activities.

Thank my dear it will be a pleasure to welcome you

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