Women engagement challenge|| Things i do for my personal development presented by @donpearl || 22-5-2022

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)



Greetings everyone, am happy to participate in this contest which talks and touches on most important areas of our lives. Now i will be writing on what i do for my personal development.

One might wonder, what is personal development?
Personal development consist of activities that develop a persons capabilities and potentials, build human capitals, and enhance quality of life and the realization of dreams and aspirations.

It a life long process. A way for people to access their skills, set goals in order to realize and maximize their potential.

Below shows three main areas for my personal development.

Physical development

This refers to the growth of both the body and brain in infancy and early childhood eg sitting,crawling,standing and walking.

As an adult there are certain things i do for my personal development. It includes;
Feeding well
Drinking water
Catching cruise

  • Feeding well: Eating good meal especially adding fruits and vegetable to our meal is a very good way of developing ourselves physically and that is what i always do.

  • Exercise: It is true am not good in exercise, but knowing that exercise improve our muscle and strength, and also delivers oxygen and nutrient to our tissue, i stated doing exercise small small. Again when i was told i have too much cholesterol, i have no option than to engage in exercise. Is true i didnt engage in gym but hence i live upstairs, i run from up to down every morning.

  • Drinking water: I drink at least 10 glasses of water everyday because i know it is essential in human life.

  • Sleeping: As for me, i can sleep in Africa. This is because, it helps calm my brain and gives me energy.

  • Catching cruise: I love catching cruise especially with my hubby because it make me to be happy and forget my troubles for the main time.
    Me having fun with hubby at apples fastfood

Spiritual development

This is the development of the non-material aspect of life, meaning and purposes.
To grow spiritually,
I pray
I study
I attend christain meetings

  • I pray: knowing that prayer is the only way of communicating with my creator, and also it add to my spiritual growth, i always pray and pour my heart out to God in prayer.

  • I study: Through the bible, God communicate with us. Therefore i make time to study the bible and also create time to study it with others.

  • I attend christain meetings: Bible book of Hebrews 10:25 encourages us not to forsake our meetings. Therefore it is a command and i try to keep it hence it helps me grow spiritually. At least, i learn how to leave a way that pleases Jehovah.
    Attending chriatain meeting with hubby

Mental development

This is the progressive changes in mental process due to maturation, learning and experience.
Thing i do to grow mentally
Avoid negative thinking
Reading and writing

  • Avoid negative thinking: I always avoid negative thinking because it always weigh me down and make me not to focus.

  • Reading and writing: I love reading books especially novels, text books , news papers, and any readable because reading is my hubby and it contribute to my mental growth. And when it comes to writing, i am an author, i write novels although never published yet. One of my novels is "My life story". To be sincere i love writing.

  • Research: When it comes to research, i love to be vast. I love researching on difficult topics, and that help my brain alot, in short, it helps me to be more enlightened.

Note: developing yourself both physically, mentally and spiritually has many advantages that is all for our own good. Therefore lets try to develop ourselves no matter how hard.


Growing both both physically, mentally and spiritually should be what we want, we should not be forced to that, remembers it is for our own good.

I invite @beautybb, @meymeyshops, @dongatusa, and @benson to join this contest.


 2 years ago 

You are doing great dear to develop yourself. On the area of physical development, I have found healthy food, exercise and drinking enough water helpful too just like you.

On the aspect of spiritual development, prayer, study and meditation are of utmost importance. We should also so try to apply what we learn.

In the aspect of mental development, be free minded with everyone. As far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with everyone and you will enjoy peace of mind. Along with all that you have mentioned, personal development is assured. I wish you success.

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Thanks ma

 2 years ago 

hola amiga, lo que haces sin duda es el mejor camino al crecimiento personal, todo lo podemos en Cristo que nos fortalece. saludos y sigue adelante :)

 2 years ago 

I love the way you build up yourself and to be honest if you continue doing all these you will improve both mentally and emotionally even physically.

Thanks my honorable mentor

I pray: knowing that prayer is the only way of communicating with my creator, and also it add to my spiritual growth, i always pray and pour my heart out to God in prayer.

Without prayer, we cant communicate with our heavenly father. Its a unique free access he has given us. More to that, i appreciate and value all your other routines. Weldone @donpearl

Thanks dear

 2 years ago 

I can see you love doing things with your hubby.
Sometimes I feel like hitting mine with a pan, like all women do, but I still love him dearly.
He is my soulmate 😊


You both look great, I'll love to catch some cruise too so invite me next time

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