ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ACNE VULGARIS|CLUB100|by@chiomaviasteemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)

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Hello everyone at steemwomen club. I welcome you all to my blog. Today, I would be sharing an insight on Acne vulgaris.
Acne is a skin condition that occurs when the pores of the skin is blocked by hair, bacteria and dead skin cells. Those blockage leads to pimples on the skin. Acne is a very common skin condition. Acne mainly affects teenagers and young adults undergoing hormonal changes, many people struggle with acne through out their adulthood. Though acne is not really a big risk to our health, it affects ones self-esteem and self-confidence, and also contribute to feelings of depression.


The different types of Acne include,

  • Blackheads: Blackheads is looks like an open bumps on the skin. It usually looks as if there is dirt in bump. It is black in colour.

  • Whitehead: It is a raised bumps that is usually like a white milk cap. It looks flesh-like.

  • Papules: it is usually Small red or pink bumps, caused by inflamed or infected hair follicles.

  • Pustules: This looks like whitehead. But they look smaller. It causes scars if scratched.


Acne are mainly caused by Androgen hormonal surge. Sensitive to hormonal changes, combined with surface bacteria on the skin and fatty acids within oil glands, causes acne. Other things that causes Acne includes;

  • Hormone changes during period.
  • Using oily body creams, and hair creams.
  • Picking acne sores can lead to severe acne.
  • Genetics.
  • Oily skin.
  • Stress


Acne has effects on young people. This effect it has on young people is as a result of how they will be viewed by others. Oftentimes,People view adults with Acne as unhealthy, unkempt, and dirty and the tends to disassociate with them.

Having been a victim of Acne, it has a big effect on self esteem. Acne always make you feel bad about your looks, especially after trying all the remedies and it seems nothing is working.
Acne can also lead to Depression, Anxiety, pain, low confidence, Feeling unattractive, Feeling alone, Suicidal thoughts.
I have seen a case where a student decided to stop going to school because of severe acne on his face.

My look last year as a result of acne.


Treatment for Acne depends on how severe it is. It's severity ranges from mild, moderate and very severe.

For mild acne: I recommend use of home remedies. There are some natural products available in our homes that could be used in the treatment of acne. Some of these remedies include:

  1. Wash your face every night, and allow it to dry. Apply powder on before going to bed.
  2. Mask your face with aloe vera gel every morning and night.
  3. Prepare honey mask and apply regularly on your face.
  4. Apply cucumber mask on your face.
  5. Do not pick your pimples, it makes it worst.

For Moderate acne: You can buy medicated benzoyl peroxide based cream and salicylic acid based face wash for treatment. Examples of these cream are funbact A, Skineal, Tribact etc. Antibiotics can also be used for treatment of moderate acne.

For Severe acne: Reach out to a dermatologist for proper health care. In this case a dermatologist will prescribe antibiotics for treatment.


In as much as is not always possible to prevent acne completely, but there are certain steps that can be taken at home to help lower your chances of getting acne breakouts.
They include;

  • Always wash your face with warm water and mild soap made especially for acne.
  • Do not scrub your face with sponge will bathing.
  • Avoid touching the face if you already have acne.
  • If you have Oily skin, avoid oil-based products.
  • Always remove your makeup with makeup wipes.
  • wash your towel at least three times weekly. Always use a separate towel for your face.
  • Avoid oily food, and stay hydrated.
  • Always try to avoid stress.


Acne can be persistent, but with proper care and treatment it could be cleared. Having acne is a skin condition and not a death sentence. Do not let it affect your self esteem. Ensure good hygiene and avoid using every skincare product you come across.
Thank you.

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 2 years ago 

Thank you my friend for sharing the different types of acne and how to treat it.

Yeah welcome!
Have you had experience with stubborn acne?
Can you share your experience?

 2 years ago 

Not at all my dear

 2 years ago (edited)

Thanks a lot dear @chiomavia for explaining what
ACNE means.

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Thank you ma

 2 years ago 

Acne can really depress someone ooo, my usually comes out during periods but thank God, I can control it a bit now.

It can causes depression.
I had severe acne last year that really dealt with me. I tried every remedy I know, nothing seems to be working.
The thought of going out saddens me then.

Thank God after awhile it cleared up.
Acne is really annoying jareh.


Thanks so much for the full explanation of acene. I can remember when i had a sturbon acene, to be frank, it wasnt easier for me.

Thanks to God it's all gone now. Acne are quite stubborn.
Thank you for your engagement on my post.

Thanks for sharing this tips. But even if i do all, the stress avoidance isnt easy o

And i have lots of them on my face sef

Sorry about that dear,

Thank you for your engagement on my post.

 2 years ago 

A great post! Those who have teenagers should for sure share this post with them. Acne can break a child and you have shared some great tips and information.
Keep up the good work!

Thank you ma

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