Matt Landman | Holes In The COVID-19 Narrative & The Great Panic Distraction

in Podcasts4 years ago

Question everything... Especially Fear!

Matt Landman is an activist and the creator of the documentary Frankenskies. In this super-show we sift through the scientific statistics and ask several important questions that throw the mainstream explanation of the COVID-19 crisis into serious doubt. We cover a lot of ground on this one with the hope of keeping you grounded during the storm. Topics include the unproven theory of the what the virus even is, the enormous flaws in PCR testing (Polymerase Chain Reaction), the facts that impact the death statistics, and the problematic treatment protocols, and that's just scratching the surface.

We also look at the global lockdown quarantine, how its effects on the economy could lead to drastic totalitarian action, the evidence of a "plan-demic" plot to capitalize on crisis, corporate CEOs and government insiders cashing out their stocks, and the unlikelihood that 5G is to blame (although its still not a good thing). To top things off we examine some of the super-sketchy anti-freedom laws that are being considered in Congress. All that and much more, so tune in and enjoy a fresh perspective on these strange times.



What's good Brother, 3 Min. in, i know i resonate with you/ your perspective. I got a song out called "Stop Spraying Chemtrails" by Luca1777 ;)
Please gimmi a link to your Frankenskies.
Let's connect, if you want.
Now back to your show ;)

30 Minutes in... Y'all nailing it. I agree 100%

Thank you so much for sharing this. Like many, I'm watching this soviet level shit show from "the movie theater". I've been on lockdown for three weeks buying my groceries online, buying reasonable amounts of toilet paper, working from home and keeping my distance... and I'm fine; just a little shook by the behavior of the freaked out masses.

Thank you for this thought provoking chat and pointing out alternative routes to do my own research on. I follow you here and looking forward to following your content here and on other platforms.

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