The Dairy Game : Visited The Pharmacy To Get Some Drugs To Treat My Illness || club75🔥

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Greetings everyone,

Today, I woke feeling not so well. I couldn’t tell what was wrong with me but I manage to do some early morning routines. Took me some hard time to do because I was feeling all weak and cold.

This time of the year usually comes along with some slight illnesses. Around this time of the year, lots of mosquitoes are around. So I suspected malaria, but I needed to be sure. The hospital is a little bit far from here and because it wasn’t that severe, I could walk, talk, feed etc. So I just decided to visit a nearby pharmacy for malaria test and for him to prescribe any drug for me.

He conducted the test and said it’s negative which was a bit of relieve. But all the same, I wasn’t still feeling well so I described what was wrong with me and he gave me some medicines to take.


Pharmacist prescribing a medicine for me

But when it got to payment, he said I had to make it in cash. Trust issues everywhere nowadays. Maybe the E-levy charges is also part. It’s not like the north where we can even make payments for a sachet of drinking water. So I went to just a nearby Mtn vendor to withdraw some cash for payment. The vendor was cleaning up her space, I guess she didn’t open early. She is a mother and you can imagine how much load they can have.

Aside being a mobile money vendor, she also sells some petty items likes mineral drinks and drinking water.


MTN Vendor setting up her shop


MTN Vendor performing transactions

I then said a greeting to her and told her the aim of my visit. She then made the transaction and the withdrawal was done in no time. I thanked her and left back to the pharmacy.


Went back to the pharmacy to make payment for my drugs (My sick face)

Finally, I topped up with what I already had and made payment to him. Came back home, had some meals and then took the medicines. I then rested for a while, in fact I hard enough sleep. To be frank im feeling better now, no head aches, no dizziness, just some sore throat and mild cough. But in all feeling better.

This is how my day went. Not a perfect start by a better ending. Thanks for your time and audience. Don’t forget to remember me in prayers🙏.

Best regards, @wonderbowy

 2 years ago 

Sorry to hear about you not feeling well, i wouldn't advise just over-the-counter medications though, the symptoms may be treated but the underlying cause may be missed, do well to visit the hospital when you get enough time on your hands

 2 years ago 

Alright Doc, thanks for your concern, I really appreciate and will take your advice very serious. I will try and visit a nearby Hospital for further check up. Thank you 🙏

 2 years ago 

The system sometimes run down and requires some great booster to activate it. I hope the drugs will be those boosters. Wishing you speedy recovery.

 2 years ago 

Sure, thanks big man, really appreciate.🙏

 2 years ago 

My pleasure

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