Expectations after getting admission to the University||By@usmanismail882

in Steem Ghana3 years ago (edited)

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Hello to all my fellow steemians, hello to everyone at campus connect, I hope you all are doing well where ever you are. Over here at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Kaduna State, we have started writing POST-UTME which means soon there will be a new intake of new students in the University and I believe the same thing is happening in other Universities too, I hope the new jam bites are able to learn somethings from this post.

What to expect

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Graduating from secondary school education and then gaining admission to an institution can be classified as a big step taken in one life and also a life-changer, I believe by gaining admission almost everything will change about you and sometimes this change can be a good thing in your life and sometimes bad because the step you take from then on will literarily be part of the steps that will mold your future.

Getting yourself ready for the University might be a little hard because your thought will be in conflict for not knowing what it is you are to bring along to the University and what not to bring, because it's not like the first day in secondary school where all that you are to bring along are already listed for you.

Gaining admission to the University also presents you with great opportunities, also presents you with new experience, also meeting new people making new friends, managing your own life with no one to tell you what to do and how you do your things.

Dealing With roommate


When you get admission even if you will be self-dependant on the school campus, you will still have to deal with the issue of not having a room for yourself anymore if you are to be living in the school hostel, because you will meet yourself in a situation where you are to be sharing a single room with more than 1 person. You have to learn how to adapt to such situations, you have to learn how to tolerate your fellow Rommie, have to learn how to live in peace and harmony with them.

How to avoid conflict with fellow roommate
In other to avoid conflict with your fellow roommate all you have to do is you have to try and know the kind of person your roommates are, then you learn about what their likes and what they don't like, you also have to make sure everyone know their own space and not to step on the other roommate boundary in other to create a peaceful environment for reading in the hostel, you guys have to arrange your stuff accordingly in other to distinguished which of your things you want to share and what you can't share.

And while in the University, you need to learn how to compromise in some certain area in other to avoid conflict even if not your roommate it might be a fellow student like you.

Leaving off Campus
As a new student I will advise you against living off-campus for your first year on campus, and if you can it will be great for you to stay on campus for the second year too because as a new student, they are a lot of things you don't know about the university especially in terms of lectures and other things, the first year should be used to familiarize yourself with the way of the school.

Choosing Courses

As a new student, lots of people will find themselves having issues when doing their course registration because most new students end up registering for the wrong courses later when the exam is near they will find themselves running all around just to get their corrections done in time in other to be able to write the exam. To avoid such kind of thing happening, they are things you have to take very seriously till you graduate and that is the Student Handbook that will be given to you by your department, many students always take this handbook for granted, some of us don't even take our time to read through this handbook, and some of us even end up misplacing this handbook, it will be of benefit to you if you study through this handbook when you are given one and also take your time to understand each of the course of your course code because they will be what you will input to register this courses online.


As a student you will be in a situation where you are to make a decision, this decision will affect you either positively or negatively, it might be in terms of friends making or other areas, I urge you all to think about the future interest in your decision making thank you.


At times it becomes stressful when students struggling to get admission and also suffer for room to stay. Bad company also become thorn on our flesh as they can give us troubles.

Seriously, sometimes new students finds themselves struggling because they didn't get good orientation

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