The Diary Game|| (16/08/2022): My Tuesday Activities

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Hello Everyone..!!


It’s been a great day and I will like to share with you my activities. Most of us start our day after and prayers with brushing our teeth but I always workout before coming to brush my teeth. My morning routine has always been the same and this morning nothing was special about it.

After I was done with all my morning activities, I was relaxing on my bed pressing my phone, then a gentleman knocked on my door, when I opened it was a familiar face. He said he brought kandu to take us to campus to vote on the ongoing SRC elections. I totally forgot of it. I put on some clothes and called the guys around so that we can go together.


On our way to the election polls on campus

We were five in number and was able to managed and enter the kandu. When we got there, they separated the system into two folds, one for level 100&200 and the other for level 300&400. The people in the queue for level 300&400 were not many and all of us where level 300&400 students. It wasn’t long that we finished voting and they found us another kandu that brought us back to the hostel.



At the election polls

At the hostel, I remembered that I will be meeting my supervisor the following with my project and I needed assistance from a friend to help explain certain codes for me. I got up quickly and headed towards my friends hostel. On my way, I saw the natives working on their farms, I stopped for awhile and we had so discussions before I proceeded to my friend’s place.


The natives working on their farm

When I got to my friend’s place, I was lucky he was around because I didn’t call him before coming. He excused me and went for his laptop charger on campus, that he forgot it when he was studying last night. He delayed a bit and I had to prayed before he got back. When he came, he made me download text editor for the codes and we went through the codes and made some editing.

We were finally done and I left his place for my hostel. I was very hungry while coming back and so I branched to a kenke joint to buy kenke before I dot to the hostel.



Buying and eating my kenke

After I was done eating, I rested for awhile and prayed Asr before going to the gym. It was a leg day for me and so I did several squats and other leg exercises. I was exhausted an hour later and had to switched to arms training. I left there few minutes to 7:00 pm.


At the gym with my guys

At the hostel, I prayed Magrib and Isha and also prepared spaghetti for supper. I prepared towards an upcoming midterm exams which scheduled on Thursday. I was tired some hours later but I still wanted to learn so played solitaire on my laptop and continued learning few minutes later.



Learning and stopped to play solitaire at some point

I was feeling sleepy at some point and I didn’t want to force it again. I stopped learning and instead of sleeping, I took my phone to browse. I saw in our project group that the MetaMask with the supervisor has been postponed to network. It was a busy day for me but I was able to accomplished all the activities.

Thanks For Your Attention


Wow nice diaries bro. I really like your post.
Especially you going to gym.
A for me, I last went to gym and honestly, I didn’t find it easy so I stop. Lol
You are really doing well at the gym.
Gym is not for small boys 😂😂😂.
Keep sharing quality content.

When I for started I also wanted to stop the following day but others keep motivating me to continue and it has work for me today. Thanks for your time.

 2 years ago 

You will always get me in your DM when you work hard like this and enjoy such a great food. I usually called that food Gob3ke 😂😂😂.

Great day it was for you indeed.

Kenke is a savior on campus after gobe. Thanks for your time buddy.

 2 years ago 

it is a pleasure.

 2 years ago 


My pleasure

 2 years ago (edited)

Hi @sadiqxylo,

Bot-Free/ Vote Buying FreeYES
Club StatusClub75
Plagiarism FreeYES

Conclusion: Thanks so much for writing and sharing with us your good work in the community. You really had a busy day indeed. Have a nice day. Keep sharing. Thank you

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