Know Thyself

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Know one can know you better than you will ever know yourself, not your physician, not your friend and definitely not your partner. There are things that will only ever be peculiar to you and only you would be able to tell certain things and know certains about yourself, there are secrets that you will be keeping and taking to your grave.


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Sometimes we know ourselves and yet still we do not know ourselves. I do not seek to confuse you but that is basically what i meant to say, we may know why and how we do certain things deep down in us but may not have to that realization yet until either someone brings it to our attention or we sit down to contemplate about our lives and then it dawns on us.

It is for this reason why i believe that saying that an unexamined life is not worth living has some good or truth to it and we ought to do this ever so often lest we loss ourselves in ourselves. If we wish to truly know ourselves on the conscious level then we have to think about ourselves on the conscious level. We need to make that effort on a daily basis.

Here is what i do, before i retire to bed everyday i look at the activities that went on during the day, i examine what i may have done wrong or right, i plan on how to do better next time, i try to find the root cause of whatever may have caused me to do certain things and i look to see how my past days may have been if i am getting better.


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Know one can do better for you than you can do for yourself, it is not an easy task, it is a daily struggle but the truth is we are capable of things we are yet to even imagine, just give it a go and don't hold back and you will be astonished at all the good and great things you can do. Know thyself, start today, your tomorrow self will thank you.


Thank you for the education

Yes we know ourselves better than anyone, that’s why the doctor asked you how are you feeling before goin on to examine you.

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