Let's Come Together And Fight Against Child Marriage

in Steem Ghana3 years ago

Seeing a 13years old girl still very young and naive given into marriage to a 50years old man is so devastating. Like how? How do you expect this young girl to take care of a home? How do you expect this young girl to compete with an older wife who can be her mother in the same house? How do you expect this young girl to continue her education? How do you expect this young girl to train her children?


Amdalatu is her name, she was a young girl in lower primary. She had the vision to be a Doctor in future but that dream was cut off. Her parents married her to a man old enough to be her father, the man was in his late 40s, he had two wives meaning Amdalatu was going to the third wife. As naive as she was not knowing anything and not having a say just had to follow what her parents wanted for her(early marriage) in sadness. She even informed her school mates about how sad she was but nothing could be done about it. O such a helpless young girl! She stopped schooling and became a third wife with 3 kids at the age of 18. The dream of becoming a doctor is now in the ditch.


Thousands of young girls are in similar situations as Amdalatu. This has led to these young girls commiting suicide, depressed and shut down in a home they never dreamed of. It's up to you and I to educate these parents who trade of their children's future for a penny which can't be compared to their bright future. Let's not keep quiet about child marriage, these girls have a future and we need to help secure it.

End Child Marriage Now!


This is something that's very common in the Northern part here.
We went for a field practical thingy in our first year. Can you imagine the chief of the community we were assigned to had a lil girl for a wife? I mean, the man looks like he's almost 70.

This thing must be fought against, just like the FGM.
People are basing on their beliefs to hinder a lot of goals of these poor and helpless kids. No freedom at all!
It's time people stopped being conservative and moved with the world. We are in the 21st century for chrissakes!
I really wish something was done about it. By the government or any body who can

 3 years ago 

It's very sad

 3 years ago 

I have heard of these stories sometimes in places you may otherwise thing that is a town and that civilization may have reached there and yet still on a daily basis these things happen, it is quite unfortunate and sad and i hop someday all these antiquated ways would come to an end. Let's come together to end child marriage

 3 years ago 

Hmmm...it is a pity

Hmm this child marriage is a form of human right abuse and must be abolished now.

 3 years ago 

That's right

 3 years ago 

this actions are so devastating. It stems from the idea that woman are only good as marriage material and nothing more which is philosophically wrong.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

It’s so bad seeing young girls with great passion at that tender age being married of. I’ve been a witness to one where the girl committed suicide. Great bringing this up.

 3 years ago 

Hmm it's sad

 3 years ago 

Hmm! This practice is becoming endemic especially in Northern Ghana. I'm writing an article on that and would share with you soon😢😢😢

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