Major Reasons why you should apply lime juice on your face.

in Steem Ghana2 years ago



Lime is one of the most beneficial skin treatment in the world whether it is taken orally or apply externally. It has numerous skin benefits that help the skin.

Vitamin C is one of the major constituents it is made up off. Other essential nutrients such as Vitamin A, potassium, Vitamin E, calcium, Vitamin K, magnesium, Folate, Betaine and phosphorus are just few of the nutrients that can be found in the lime.

These elements and vitamins are very essential in it use as either as in the kitchen or for external body treatment incase if skin disease. In the case of food preparation it has it own way in other to get the maximum nutrients out of it. And in the case of external applications it has how it should be use.

In today's edition of my entry I will be talking about the external applications of the lime juice and how beneficial it is to the human skin. Let's get things on the way,



  • Treat acne and pimples

It is mostly applicable to women, which does not mean men are exclusive. They are inclusive and it has great benefits of treating acne and pimples. Those with oily skin suffering from blemishes, acne and pimples can absolutely get ride of the whole by applying this juice in their face and where they can be found.

This is achieve through the antibiotic activities of the lime juice. The lime juice has antibiotic activity that is capable of inhibiting the growth of the acne and pimples causing bacteria hence making the skin regain it natural beauty.

  • Treat dark spot.

The content of lime is slightly acidic which can be classify as a bleaching agent although it is a naturally occurring. This slightly bleaching content in the lime will be able to help clear all the black spot available in the face of most people. it has it own benefits and down fall.



It is not everyone one who prefer to use this natural method to clear dark spots. However this is not an artificial bleaching agent which has side effects. This is natural and it is in small quantity which is good for the skin when block spot develops.

The method of applications is very simple and it goes. Put and cotton in the lime juice and then apply it on the surface where there is dark spots. Wait for approximately 30 minutes and wash it from the face. Clean the surface and continue for a week and see the difference. Your skin will be back to it original.

  • Lime for growing skin

This is internal applications however results are seen externally. it is as very simple step done to glow your self externally through internal means.

All you need to do is to squeeze lime juice into an drinking cup just about 5 microliters, add approximately twice the quantity of the juice honey and stir it thoroughly. Start drinking it each morning and evening. The internal glow will begin to develop in the physical aspects of the life for everyone to see.




Like juice has a great of benefits to us both externally an internally, try to identify how good it can be to use and make use of it for the betterment of your life and for strong life style. I will encourage us all to try and make good use of the lime as a natural substance.


Thank you for the education. Thank you for sharing

 2 years ago 

I am glad you pass by

 2 years ago 

Waooow! Today is about lime. Thank you for sharing your post with us. It is lucid. A big thank you for also remaining consistent on the platform. Remember to power up today.


 2 years ago 

I am glad you like it and as always, powering up has now turn to be my hobby 😂😂😂. It is a pleasure.

That was quite educative. Iime juice is indeed medicinal. Thank you for this wonderful education. Keep on sharing with us.

 2 years ago 

T truly has a lot of benefits than we can think off. Thanks

Your welcome

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Lime basically has acid in it, ascorbic acid to be exact and this is powerful enough to produce a cleansing effect when we apply it on our face, i would caution individuals who would wanna try this to be moderate about it though since overdoing it would damage your skin too

 2 years ago 

Sure, this is absolutely right oy has ascorbic acid. No doubt about the fact that over dose can cause problems. I am glad you have a caution for each person who wants to try.

Thanks for passing by.

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